Father’s Day Facebook Follow Page 2

Father’s Day Facebook Follow Page 2

You Must Follow All Pages Listed Below By Facebook.
Please Don’t Disqualify yourself By clicking Enter Button
If You Haven’t. The Entry is Optional, But ALL Must Be Followed.

Here’s All The Facebook Accounts You’ll Need For This Event
***Event Is Now Closed, Thank You For your Participation!
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  1. oh man what i woudl give to win this ?? flat screen tv i love it

  2. Great Father’s Day and wonderful for the family and besides it just what he’s been looking at-what a great giveaway-thanks πŸ™‚

  3. April ratani says


  4. Renee Rivera says

    Great Giveaway Thank You Have A Good One!!!! Good Luck Everyone =}

  5. woohoo great giveaway.. ty for hosting gle1!~~

  6. I’ve liked them all. My computer is running really slow tonight – hopefully there are no hiccups! Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I am already picturing it on my tv shelf :o) Thanks for the chance all.

  8. donna harris says

    I liked them all!!! Really great giveaway!!! Thanks!!! I would love to win this for my man! Replace the old ancient tv with the hump in the back, aleast 12yrs old or more!!!

  9. Liked them all on facebook Claudia N.

  10. great gift for fathers day!! says

    would be great gift for fathers day!!

  11. brittany lerebours says

    thank u for this and i liked all! my husband would be over the moon…its been tough times here ad im sure for many others as well. good luck everyone πŸ™‚

  12. Karen Hand says

    Liked all. Thank yoiu.

  13. Suzanne Deleon says

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
    I liked them all on FB!

  14. All this “liking” just makes me more excited for the giveaway!

  15. So cool!

  16. Robie Gosney says

    oh how i would love to win this. I enter so many contest and never win!! this one would be the best!!

  17. Liking and finding new coupon sites..Thank You!!

  18. linda rzeznikiewicz says

    liked all thanks

  19. lynn brannenl says

    Great sweep would love to win!

  20. Mary Stack says

    I would love to win this for my husband so he could finally replace the 15 year old tv set.

  21. Donna Collins says

    What a great fathers day gift

  22. Marty Harris says

    Liked all

  23. Gail williams says

    Liked all

  24. Beverly Payton says

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  25. Great contest !!! πŸ™‚

  26. Wow! This would be a great gift…his 1st yet! Thanks for the opportunity!