Blog: Being New And All…
Being a ‘newbie’ at this blog, blob, glob stuff, it’s important to make connections. My goal for this weekend is #1 – to finish wrapping presents and get those boxes shipped off to the kiddos and #2 – MAKE CONNECTIONS!
The first opportunity to accomplishing goal #2 just came along, so I’m jumping on it! I made my first connection to another blogger/blobber/globber!!! 🙂 While entering a give-a-way for a super cool espresso machine, one of the requirements was to ‘grab her button and add her to my blogroll’ ….. so being the good little blog, blob, glob ‘er that I am, I did it! PINK DANDY CHATTER – won’t you be my neighbor!?!?
Ok, so I guess I need to make a button now and all to make it seem like I too know what I’m doing in this blog, blob, glob thingy so, add #3 to my weekend to do list… MAKE A BUTTON! Actually, Grandpa Juice will have to do that since he’s the compy geek guy when his fire fighter / paramedic super hero cape is off (which it is, ALL weekend long!)
I’m feeling almost like I’ve done something 1/2 productive already and it’s only 6AM! Now, to make the small person’s lunch, throw a load of laundry in and back to my to do list….
PS: Please don’t make me beg, it’s so not lady like
PSSS: If you find my to do list somewhere, please return it… 🙂