This week is not only the end of another month, it’s the end of the year! Where did the time go? Yeah, I don’t know either but if you figure it out, can you let me know how to S L O W it down just a wee bit!
So, the gift giving is done and we’re ready to move on to celebrate our hopes and dreams for all good things in the coming year. What are you hoping to change? What are you striving to do better? Anything you’d like to see remain status quo?
For me, it seems to all revolve around organization. Get those coupons in a bigger and better binder, get that spare bedroom straightened out. If we say one more time “What should we do with this? Just stick it in the spare room and we’ll put it away later” I think it’s going to look like a storage unit more than a bedroom! I need to find a better way to organize all those bills that will be rolling in from all things wrapped with pretty bows too. I’m defiantly not looking forward to those in my mailbox. I much prefer the freebies, samples and prize winnings 🙂 Clean out the fridge, clean out the kids clothes that are out grown, and seriously…. I need to accept the fact that those jeans I’ve kept since before I had kids are just not going to zip and get them out of my own closet as well. Some dreams we should never give up, some are just pure fantasy and those size 2’s are about as fantastical as it comes!
So this weekend, before you head out in your best dress to impress for the New Year, try to make a dent in something, ANYTHING that’s on your list of ‘things to do in the new year’. One small baby step leads to bigger and better. At least that’s my hope and what I keep telling myself!
Also, this means many internet printable coupons may be reset and no longer available for print. <shudder> It is a good idea and perfect time to print coupons NOW while you still can! Who knows what’s going to be out next week? I’m excited to see what’s in store (pun totally intended) but a smidgen sad to see some of the great deals I’ve made possibly go away! Get them while there hot baby! Click here…. TIP: Check for additional coupons you may otherwise miss by plugging in different zip codes. I always check my local Vegas zip code but I put in 90210, 43636, 78660, 08915, 74774, 30303 as well! Different regions not only get different offers, they also get varying dollar amounts! Try it! Type in any random 5 numbers …. see what you can score!