Welcome to the $100 Amazon Facebook Blast Sweepstakes
hosted by Makobi Scribe.
HELLLLLOOOO My Juicers!!!! I told you LOTS of cool things were going to be happening this month! And, here’s another one! $100 Amazon Facebook Blast Sweepstakes!
We have teamed up with some REALLY great bloggers to get this one up and running for you! See, it’s not just me who loves their fans and readers! Who knew, right? Kidding… We ALL really appreciate the support and dedication you give us, so we get together and give some of it “Right Back At ‘Cha Babe” (*Tim McGraw reference for my Tim Buds!)
Who doesn’t want to win an EASY $100? Yeah, I don’t know either! I do… But I can’t enter. So… YOU all enter and then maybe when you win you’ll send Grandma Juice a nice consolation prize or something… Or, Go Have Fun! Pay Bills, Buy Groceries! Whatever you find needs some $100 lovin’, you go right ahead and love on it!
This one’s really easy too! Please follow the Facebook pages. Take your time… Come back and do a little each day if you can’t get to all of them at once. Tweet, like the post, and come back again… we will still be here! But, this giveaway ends March 15 at midnight EST. So you’ll have to finish it up before then. Plenty of time!!!
Ready to enter this $100 Amazon Facebook Blast Sweepstakes?
GO! And Hey…. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity
still blonde after all these yrs and mom real moms real deals button not working. I had to search it on fb. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂