AeroPress Coffee & Espresso Maker
Review AND Giveaway
I have the same routine every morning. Wake up, stumble into kitchen, drink coffee. Day after day. Not a day goes by that I don't enjoy my favorite cup (or pot) of coffee in the morning. Don’t judge. We all have our vices! I am also guilty of drinking coffee or espresso during the day just to keep up with the shenanigans that go on around here! My local *fancy coffee house who’s name I can’t mention*, their employees know me by name AND drink… Yes, my name is Grandma Juice and I’m an addict. That's why I was so thrilled to have the chance to review the AeroPress Coffee & Espresso Maker.
First, I like that it’s manual and uses no electricity! *Bonus = Lower bill! Second, I like that it comes apart and goes together really easy. It makes washing it up and storing it off my counters literally a five minute task. We have a super nice kitchen, but not a ton of counter space. And, it’s really easy to use. I have to admit being slightly nervous at first that I’d make a huge mess and chew grounds. Not. At. All!
Making an awesome double espresso, 8 ounce cup of coffee and even my beloved lattes using the AeroPress Coffee & Espresso Maker is done in about a minute (for real!!)
There’s 5 easy steps:
- Place a microfilter in the bottom cap of the chamber, twist the cap tightly closed.
- Place two scoops of ground coffee with the included AeroPress scoop into the chamber.
- Stand the chamber on a sturdy mug, (*key point right here!) then pour hot water into the top of the chamber.
- Stir the water and coffee with the included paddle for about 10 seconds.
- Insert the plunger into the chamber and gently (*key point #2 right here!) press down about a quarter of an inch at a time.
That’s it! No more *fancy coffee house who’s name I can’t mention* needed! We made espresso, and lattes. If you add a bit more water to the espresso, you have American style coffee! See!!
You can buy the AeroPress Coffee & Espresso Maker on Amazon right now. They retail for $29.99. But… Look! I found it on sale today!
OR…. you can enter our giveaway! Oh yeah!! The very generous people over at Aerobie are giving one of Grandma Juice’s lucky fans an AeroPress Coffee Espresso Maker of their own!!
You know the drill! Fill out the handy dandy Rafflecopter form and off you go! And, PLEASE remeber NO CHEATING! Big Brother Rafflecopter knows all and sees all…
mocha frappe
Thank you ..
espresso is my fav!!! Thank You!!!
Coffee double expresso straight up on those bad days! lol Thanks for the giveaway
5 shot americano with white mocha from starbucks!
White chocolate mocha
Mujer, JU SO FONII !!! Café in all forms is my favorite!
Mujer- JU SO FONII !!! Café in any form is my favorite! BB2U
P.S. My many names- Sonia Guerra, Choni Sonia Guerra, Bohemian Babushka You may say I’m schizo, I prefer to think of myself as having too much personality for just one persona. ; )
Mujer- JU SO FONII !!! Café in ANY form is my favorite!
P,S. Entries under the names of Sonia Guerra, Choni Sonia Guerra and Bohemian Babushka are all me. Si, you may call me schizo, but I prefer to think of it as “too much personality for just one person”. ; )
I am not a coffee drinker (gasp) so I would give this to my brother for his birthday. He LOVEs coffee and usually just drinks it black.
My absolute favorite is mocha frapp!
I love all coffee but my favorite is barrista prima
White chocolate mocha
I love lattes and cappuccinos plus regular normal coffee
cafe’ mocha
cafe mocha
I make my own coffee, 50 % decaf with a piece of chocolate melted into it.
Cafe Mocha
Mocha Latte! Yum!
Anything French Vanilla!
Love my cappuccino
I dont drink coffe, but my sis drink plenty of them in one day. she likes black coffe no sugar nor milk.
Thanks for opportunity,
I love Mocha’s. I think coffee and chocolate go so well together. In high school I would take my dad’s left over coffee and mix it with my hot cocoa before school since I wasn’t supposed to drink the coffee. I loved the taste.
Any Frozen Coffee From Starbucks