$20 AMAZON CASH Deposit
Can you believe this is the 42nd anniversary of Earth Day? Do you think things have gotten better or worse? The Kids are Grown, Now What?, Planet Weidknecht and Going Crazy, Wanna Go? are bringing you this giveaway hop. Each participating blogger is holding a giveaway for an earth friendly product worth at least $20. Go forth and enter all of these wonderful giveaways and let us know what you are doing to celebrate Earth Day 2012!
Thanks for participating Grandma Juice Readers! This is not simply a one day type deal we should be concentrating on, right? Everyday we can ALL do just 1 or 2 simple things to help the Earth! Grab that candy wrapper you see walking down the street and toss it in the garbage. Just because the kid who ate it was to lazy to do that, you aren’t! I know you guys aren’t lazy! Do you separate your garbage from recyclables at home? We do! And, we give Ethan .50 a day extra on his allowance to empty the container of recyclables and take it out to the can in the garage. Do you encourage your kids to be Earth conscious?
Look at this awesome bowl!! (I may be buying this for myself, so if you want it, I hope they have more than just 1) It’s Handmade. Recycled magazines are cut, folded into thin strips and then rolled into small spirals. The spirals are glued to the outside of a bamboo bowl and treated with a food-safe, water repellant coating. Great for fruit or salad. 9"diameter, 4 ½"h. Totally cute, environmentally friendly and completely usable! Summer BBQ’s are coming up. Wouldn’t that look great filled with a fruit salad!!
Here’s a super fun looking book to help plan for all the kiddo’s parties and celebrations! How much money do you think you’ll SAVE by using the ideas in here? Why spend all that $$ to hire a clown who scares the small frys when you can do these! Naturally Fun Parties for Kids gives parents distinctive ideas and complete plans decorations, activities, recipes, and more — for celebrating with their families throughout the year. All 16 parties, 4 for each season, are inspired by nature, are cost effective, utilize recycling and other sustainable practices, and are incredible fun for all! From a fabulous homemade, all-natural spa party filled with floral-scented foot soaks and chocolate facials to a morning gathering in pajamas for a party with pancakes galore, there’s a party here for every personality. Cool idea, right?
Any crafty types in the house? I am so NOT crafty but looking through the pages of this beautiful book, I’m thinking there’s things in there that even I can make look good! And you know I’m totally showing it off when I do… watch for that post! “Eco Craft” delivers the goods in style with 30 truly beautiful home decor projects that elevate environmental consciousness to inspiring new heights. Every idea is amazingly clever: who would ever have imagined that plastic six-pack can holders could become a chic Moorish-inspired filigree tri-fold screen? Or that glass baby-food jars would make a charming candle chandelier? Every project features at least one beauty shot in a modern home setting and handy icons spotlight key techniques, materials and the estimated time to complete each one. Who knew taking care of the planet could look so good?
Ethan liked this! He decided he wanted us to buy this and ditch the one we have. See, even 5 year olds know what’s up!
OMGLEEE!!!! I just stumbled into this right before I was going to stop. SO CUTE!! Made in USA using new LEGO pieces and encrusted with Swarovski Crystals. Clasp is actually the Legos! It comes gift wrapped and is also available in red, green, gray… SWEET!!!
Also… Here’s a link to some super cute upcycled clothing and accessories. Just stay away from that Sock Monkey Scarf… It’s ALL MINE!
Upcycled clothing & Accessories
You get the idea, right? It’s very easy and not expensive at all to do your part. These are just a few ideas…
Make smarter choices now and the Earth will be a nice safe and healthy place for your grand kids too!
Now… On to enter for your $20 AMAZON card! When you’re done, hop around to the other blogs listed below and grab some of their goods too!
I recycle all the time.
hmmm I eat cheeseburgers ….actually we are pretty green, we filter and irradiate our water instead of buying bottles of it to keep from using so much plastic, I grow a garden. We canned our clean water as an emergency source. we recycle, recycle, recycle. I have yard sales and what doesn’t sell I give to charities.
we buy green cleaners oh and I only buy yard eggs
I don’t throw things on the streets:)
We recycle everyday & bring our own bags to the store!
I leave all the garbage in my house and car.
I walk instead of drive.
We Recycle daily!!
I recycle as much as possible, including batteries
I recycle 2/3rds of my trash.
Use reusable shopping bags!
i recycle paper, bottles and cans
I recycle all the time…cans, bottles, ect… 🙂
We recycle anything we can!
I recycle and always take public transit.
I recycle and one of my pet peeves is littering!!! I use used plastic bags to put my garbage in in the car.
We try to live a pretty organic life, we recycle, reuse, and re-purpose items.
Recycling EVERYTHING, walking to places when I can, and using reusable bags. And never ever littering. 🙂
I do quite a bit of recycling
I recycle, and walk thru the valley picking up trash that blows there every couple weeks
I have recycled for many years, and am very consistent about it.
We recycle, reuse and re-abuse. After years of living of the grid, I’m an old pro at finding ways to recycle/upcycle.
We’re building a composter this weekend to cut down on the trash we throw out.
I recycle everything!!
instead of driving my car to store i ride my bike
Woohoo! Blog Hopping!
What a great way to discover new blogs and visit with old friends. Everybody wins this way!
We recycle, walk when we can, and bring our own cloth bags to the grocery store to use instead of those plastic bags.
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win!
We recycle and use a lot of natural products.
I help by recycling!
We line dry our laundry instead of using a dryer!
i try to minimize my driving
I try to take short showers!
I put trash in its place and recycle
I recycle all of the time.
I recycle all my newspapers and junk mail at my grandkids school. That way they make some money for it to help out the school and the papers are recycled. It’s a win, win situation.
We recycle each week.
I recycle and repurpose and use reusable products.
I’m big on reusing things as much as possible
We recycle cans
We recycle as much as we can 🙂
I recycle, reuse things and take a weekly bath. ; ) jk on the last one.
I recycle and I use reusable bags not only for shopping, but in my lunch as well
I don’t litter, I recycle as much as I can, and I try to lessen my driving as much as possible.
I recycle, and encourage others to do the same!
We do too many things to list! But, currently, I’m in the middle of changing out all my food storage containers to glass – less chemicals, longer life, much more eco-friendly. I’m done with the switch to cloth napkins and lovin’ it!
Recycle and repurpose. I love finding new uses for old things.
I recycle a lot and use a lot of natural products.
use compact fluorescent bulbs
we recycle as a family
We recycle, garden and reuse anything we can.
We recycle everything we can.
We try to use natural cleaners.
We recycle our pop cans!!
I recycle everything that I can! I put all newspaper and cans, jars, and anything else into the recycle bin!
reusing and conserving, being vegan
I’ve very conscious about packaging … I try not to buy things that are packaged in plastic because that plastic typically finds it’s way to landfills and/or the ocean. I also try to reuse as much as possible, keeping things out of the trash bin.
Sml Footprints
reducefootprints at gmail dot com
I recycle.
I pick up trash in my neighborhood and recycle to keep our earth clean.
I make sure to reuse and recycle as much as I possibly can
My husband drinks three 2 liter bottle of soda per day so we recycle a TON!!
I like to buy stuff from yardsales and fleamarkets so there is less in the landfill!!
My family recycles to keep the earth green.
to help keep the earth clean, I recycle and always use re-usable grocery bags.
composting and recycling
i try to recycle as much as i can
We recycle and reuse everyday!
I don’t like wastage so I recycle all I can!
I like to shop garage sales/thrift stores for clothing/household items, etc. and we also recycle!
I recycle aluminum cans.