Ozeri Digital Kitchen Scale Review Giveaway Apple Pie Recipe

Ozeri Touch II Digital Kitchen ScaleSee that… that’s Grandpa’s secret, handed down from generation to generation, apple pie!

Normally, no one gets the recipe. Or the ‘secret’ that goes into making it a ‘secret’ recipe either for that matter. He sort of hordes it all to himself. He’s quite well known for his apple pie baking skills… And, I’m about to blow it wide open!

Ozeri sent me this awesome Touch II Digital Kitchen Scale to review and I thought it was the perfect thing to use to share this recipe not only with you, Grandma Juice readers, but also our friends and family overseas who never quite understand what we say when talking weights and measurements. Ozeri digital Kitchen Scale Review Giveaway Apple Pie RecipeThe scale is made of sleek tempered black glass, and has a LCD full display, that weighs in g/oz/fl oz/ml and has a 17.6 pound capacity. It’s super fancy and all high tech looking! You’d never know I was a lousy cook with this baby sitting on my counter!

It shuts itself off after 2 minutes so I don’t waste the batteries and has four high precision sensors so I can get an extremely accurate measurement. (So Grandpa can get an accurate measurement, sorry) It’s great for dieters too who need accurate measurements to stick to those plans! I can also use it for postage! (Did I mention how extremely sleek, high tech and cool it looks???) I’m thinking of leaving it sitting on my counter top all the time just so guests can ‘OOOHH & AHHH’ over it and assume I have mad skills in the kitchen. I love it!

And… this is how we put it to the ‘test’… (after telling Ethan he couldn’t stand on it)

Grandpa’s Super Secret Dutch Style Apple Pie

  • 4-6 Granny Smith Apples
  • 1/2 Cup – 110g Sugar (filling)
  • 2 TBS – 15g Flour (filling)
  • 1/2 TSP – 1g Nutmeg (filling)
  • 1 1/2 TSP Lemon Juice (filling)
  • 1/2 Cup – 110g Sugar (topping)
  • 1/2 Cup – 75g Flour  (topping)
  • 1/4 Cup – 50g Butter (topping)
  • 1/2 TSP Cinnamon (topping)
  • 1 Paper Bag (Super Secret Part!)
  • 1 Pre-Made Pie Shell (You’re own your own for home made)

Pre-heat oven to 425°.
Ozeri Digital Kitchen Scale Review Giveaway Apple Pie Recipe 





Mix dry ingredients for filling.

Ozeri Digital Kitchen Scale Review Giveaway Apple Pie Recipe


Peel and slice apples and toss in filling mixture. Fill uncooked pie shell with apple mixture.

Sprinkle lemon juice over apple mixture. Use more or less lemon juice depending on tartness of apples.


 Ozeri Digital Kitchen Scale Review Giveaway Apple Pie Recipe

Mix dry ingredients for topping and cut in butter with pastry blender until mixture is crumbly.




Ozeri Digital Kitchen Scale Review Giveaway Apple Pie Recipe



Cover apple pie filling already in crust with topping.



Ozeri Digital Kitchen Scale Review Giveaway Apple Pie Recipe



Place pie in paper bag and seal bag by folding top. (SUPER SECRET PART!)
Bake in center of oven on cookie sheet for 1 hour. Be sure paper bag does not touch sides or top of oven! (VERY important unless you want to start a fire, which I don’t recommend)


The paper bag holds in the steam so the filling doesn’t dry out. But, because it’s porous, just enough escapes that the topping gets nice and crunchy but not over hard and crusty. Take pie out of oven and cut away paper bag. Allow to cool. Serve with home made vanilla ice cream!

So, that’s that. I busted out Grandpa’s super secret apple pie recipe and shared it not only with you all but was able to easily translate the measurements for our overseas friends and relatives with Ozeri’s Touch II Digital Kitchen Scale! I love how easy that was!

Ozeri’s scale normally lists for sale on Amazon for $69.99. But! Being the Grandma who never pays full price, I found it on sale!


Once again, the super folks over at Ozeri are allowing me to giveaway one of their great products! This time, it’s the Touch II Digital Kitchen Scale I used based on all the comments we received from our review of their salt & pepper grinder! You my fabulous readers spoke and Ozeri listened! They are FULL OF THE AWESOME!

You know what to do! Fill out the handy, dandy Rafflecopter form below and off you go!



  1. Linda Ann Cluck says

    The 10″ Green Earth Frying Pan by Ozeri, with Smooth Ceramic Non-Stick Coating

  2. Diane Melendez says

    Just love the 12oz double wall glasses.

  3. Kim Davis-Bloggity Blog says

    I love all the kitchen scales they are all very nice!

  4. Scales or Pans. Thank you. Jerri Davis

  5. Kelley Johnsen says

    Love love Ozeri Pro Digital Kitchen Food Scale, 1g to 12 lbs Capacity, Elegant Chrome!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Serafino Double Wall 12 oz Beverage & Coffee Glasses or Ozeri ZP1-3P 3 Piece Green Earth Frying Pan Set with Textured Nonstick Ceramic Coating…

    Very nice…

  7. Veronica H says

    I love the Ozeri Gourmet Digital Kitchen Scale with Timer, Alarm and Temperature Display

  8. Pans!

  9. I like the Serafino Double Wall 12 oz Beverage & Coffee Glasses

  10. Alex Liz Robinson says

    I would love any bathroom scale because we do not have one and it would be great!

  11. Michele Behlen says

    Serafino Double Wall Glasses

  12. Krystal Ramirez says

    I like the 10″ Green Earth Frying Pan by Ozeri, with Smooth Ceramic Non-Stick Coating

  13. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I like the Serafino Double Wall 12 oz Beverage & Coffee Glasses – Set of 2 Insulated Drinking

  14. Julie Lynn Bickham says

    Would like to have the The 10″ Green Earth Frying Pan by Ozeri.

  15. I like the Ozeri 3x Tower Fan with Passive Noise Reduction Technology.

  16. Debi Holmbo says

    I like a lot of things, but would pick Ozeri CardioTech Pro Series Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Heart Health WHO Indicator.

  17. Heather R says

    I also like the Kandle by Ozeri II Reading Light in Black

  18. Courtney Tucker says

    I love the sleek kitchen scales!

    • Courtney Tucker says

      Ozeri Gen II Digital Bath Scale with Body Weight (440lb), Fat, Hydration and Auto Recognition Technology would be the other thing I like!

  19. Debbie Bishop says

    I would like the 10″ green earth frying pan.

  20. Rebecca Parsons says

    Moderna Artisan Series Double Wall 2 oz Beverage & Espresso Shot Glasses – Set of 4 Thermo Glasses

  21. I would love the green earth frying pan!

  22. Sandy VanHoey says

    I like the Kandle reading light in Black

  23. *°•ƸӜƷ Louis ƸӜƷ•°* says

    I love the Ozeri Pronto Digital Multifunction Kitchen and Food Scale, in Elegant Chrome

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  24. ri Ultra 42″ Wind Adjustable Oscillating Tower Fan – with Noiseless Airflow Technology

  25. Farrah Shumway says
  26. Carolyn Ann Colley (Griffith, Smith) says

    I like the: Serafino Double Wall 12 oz Beverage & Coffee Glasses – Set of 2 Insulated Drinking Glasses
    thanks for the giveaway

  27. JR Pickett (Vicki Vix on r/c form) says

    Nice giveaway. Thanks. I’d really love the Ozeri ZP1-3P 3 Piece Green Earth Frying Pan Set with Textured Nonstick Ceramic Coating from Germany – 100% PTFE and PFOA Free.

  28. The Ozeri Green Earth 12″ Smooth Ceramic Frying Pan would get lots of use in my kitchen.

  29. I like the reading light.