Behind everything, there are two sides. Yours and mine. Fact or fiction. Truth or myth.
Welcome to Wordless Wednesday Myth
Which One Are You?
Wordless Wednesday Myth – Which side of these coins do you fall on?
I tend to try to be as open minded as possible 🙂 I dont think the world is going to end, i dont think we get sick because we dont use the hand sanitizer, and id like to think there are things out there beyond our imagination 🙂
I need one of those buttons! Lol I don’t think germ-x saves us from all that is sickenss, and I am so glad it’s hump day (:
I love these!
Love “The Truth Is Out There.” I believe anything is possible, though some things are more probably than others. As for the existence of other life forms outside of this planet, why not?
D. All of the above.
; )
I believe in fairy tales! Do NOT believe in Aliens, I am addicted to hand sanitizer have a clip on one on my purse, All politicians lie, I take them with a grain of salt and I am against abortion. I do however believe everyone is allowed their own opinion.