MARVELS THE AVENGERS Dream Date Quiz “Date a Super Hero” Quiz!


Dream Date Quiz
Date A Super Hero

Marvel’s The Avengers is IN THEATERS NOW(May 5, 2012). Have you gone and seen it? Waited in line to be one of the first people through the door?
No? How about a Saturday DATE NIGHT with your hunny?

Ever fantasize about having a date with a Super Hero?

Which one of The Avengers would be the perfect dream date for you?

Before heading out with hunny bunny

Take the quiz below and find out!
And NO peeking at the answers!  

Marvels The Avengers Dream Date Quiz

1. Is a guy’s physique important to you?

a. Yes, I like guys ripped with six-pack abs.

b. Yes, but I prefer a lean, wiry look.

c. Yes, an athletic build goes a long way with me but please don’t look like a body builder.

d. I couldn’t care less.

e. Compact and efficient bodies turn me on.

2. How intelligent does your dream date need to be?

a. I’m old fashioned. I like a guy to do the thinking.

b. I date guys who are intellectually stimulating. Challenge me!

c. The guy needs to be smart enough to keep up, but not smarter than me.

d. I like a guy to lead in the brains department, but not be arrogant about it.

e. I like a guy with street smarts.

3. What type of personality turns you on?

a. The more charm the better.  Give me a smooth operator!  

b. I’m comfortable with a levelheaded, down-to-earth guy.  

c. I’m attracted to guys with an air of mystery.  

d. I like a guy who can laugh at himself and have fun.  

e. I’m really into the strong, silent type.

4. What would be the perfect venue for your dream date?

a. Go to the movies and then out for burgers and shakes.  

b. A romantic rooftop dinner under the stars.  

c. Attend a gallery opening and have wine and dinner at a small, intimate bistro. 

d. Dinner at his place. 

e. A late dinner at a swanky restaurant, then all-night club-hopping

5. If you could choose one topic of conversation, what would it be?

a. Me”¦I only want to talk about me! 

b. I’m into personal details”¦tell me the story of your life. 

c. The menu. 

d. Aliens and what’s out there in the universe. 

e. Politics and the state of the world. I have opinions!

6. What kind of dresser is your dream date?

a. He prefers T-shirts but looks awesome in a tux. 

b. He’s scruffy and slouchy. 

c. He looks great in vintage clothes.

d. He loves black tight-fitting clothes”¦and so do I! 

e. He likes bright colors and a bit of glam.

7. What kind of entrance does your dream date make?

a. He lets me lead; doesn’t like the limelight. 

b. When he enters a room, all heads turn. Gasps are audible. 

c. He is used to fame and being in the spotlight but not into the big entrance. 

d. He slips in unnoticed. 

e. He’s a regular Joe and blends in with the crowd.

8. Your Super Hero dream date picks you up in a”¦

a. Limo

b. American-made pickup truck  

c. Red muscle car

d. Japanese Hybrid

e. Black SUV

9. What is the trait you would most want your Super Hero dream date to have?

a. Honesty 

b. Empathy 

c. Faithfulness 

d. Loyalty 

e. Courage

10. How would you expect your Super Hero dream date to behave on a date?

a. Polite and gentlemanly. A handshake at the end of night. 

b. Party hardy but be watching out for me all the time. 

c. Gentle and attentive; hold my hand, a kiss on the cheek goodnight. 

d. Pull out all the charm and put the moves on me; but knows when to back off. 

e.  Happy to be there in a quiet way; arm around me in crowds.

Who do you think you matched up with?  Ready for the answer key? You may just be surprised!

Add up the letters corresponding to your answers below. The sum of the most letters matching the key above reveals your Super Hero Dream date!

1. a. T, b.  S, c.  C, d.  B, e.  H

2. a.  C, b. S, c. T, d. B, e. H

3. a. S, b. C, c. B, d. T, e. H

4. a. C, b. S, c. B, d., H, e. T

5. a. B, b. C, c. H, d. T, e. S

6. a. S, b. B, c. C, d. H, e. T

7. a. B, b. T, c. S, d., H, e. C

8. a. S, b. C, c. T, d. B, e. H

9. a. H, b. B, c. T, d. C, e. S

10.  a. B, b. T, c. C, d. S, e. H


S= Tony Stark/Iron Man
C= Steve Rogers/Captain America
B= Bruce Banner/The Hulk
T= Thor
H= Clint Barton/Hawkeye


MARVELS THE AVENGERS Dream Date Quiz If you had mostly S”˜s, then billionaire playboy Tony Stark/Iron Man is your guy! 

MARVELS THE AVENGERS Dream Date QuizIf you had mostly C”˜s, then you are going to love hometown hero Captain America!

MARVELS THE AVENGERS Dream Date QuizIf you had mostly B”˜s, then introverted, mysterious Bruce Banner/The Hulk is your dream date!

MARVELS THE AVENGERS Dream Date QuizIf you had mostly T”˜s, then get ready to party with mighty Thor!

MARVELS THE AVENGERS Dream Date QuizIf you had mostly H”˜s, then strong, quiet, elusive Hawkeye is perfect for you!

Grandma Juice Says:
Oh come on! You know I am perfect for the very smexy Tony Stark (AKA Robert Downey Jr.) I could have told you that without the quiz! It was a fun little game, right?
Tell me who YOU matched up with and where you two love birds are jetting off to!

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Thank you to Marvel, Disney and their PR company’s for the opportunity to bring this fun quiz and promos to all Grandma Juice readers!


  1. What an interesting quiz! I guess there is someone for everyone!

  2. Michele says

    Tony Stark/Iron Man !!


  3. Apparently BB’s an equal opportunity dater… or will date anyone because I had each of them at least twice. Whaaattt?? Oh. JU SO FONII!!! You know what I mean. ; )


  4. I love Tony!

  5. LOL, when I did this, I was a mix of everyone…indecisive, aren’t I?

  6. I’m goin’ on a date with THOR! 🙂

  7. I already knew that Tony Stark is my man!

  8. This was pretty cool… I guess we can all be superheroes, lol.. 😉

  9. Tony Stark!

  10. Cute 🙂 Captain America is my guy!

  11. woohoo tony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. WOW! I have a 3 way tie! 3 pts each for Tony Stark, Thor and Captain American. Too funny!