Buffalo Burgers Recipe: Easy, Lean Summer Sliders

buffalo burgers recipe

Buffalo Burgers Recipe
Easy, Lean Summer Sliders

“Oh… give me a home, where the buffalo roam…” Everybody sing! 

Ok, you don’t have to sing, but I highly suggest trying buffalo at least once! About a year ago, we were at a fancy, schmancy burger place here on The Strip in Las Vegas. They had buffalo sliders and I fully admit to being a chicken about trying one. The waiter explained that buffalo is super lean, less fat and calories and all that for meat lovers. Also, it has a really full ‘beefy‘ flavor. But, I had to change it up a bit so Grandpa would eat it as the restaurant served them ‘buffalo wing style‘ with blue cheese and he was not feeling it.

Wholly Guacamole just sent me this HUGE cooler filled with all their latest and greatest so, I totally dived right in! For my buffalo burgers recipe, I chose their organic guacamole. You know, to keep with the ‘healthier theme’ I started. Kind of blew it with the bacon we plunked down on top but, ya got to live a little, right? Here’s what we did!

1 Pound Ground Buffalo (we bought it at Whole Foods!)
1 TSP Fine Ground Sea Salt (or, to taste)
1/2 TSP Fresh Ground Black Pepper (or, to taste)
We added a few dashed of Worcestershire sauce (can omit)

Organic Wholly Guacamole
6 oz. Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Roma Tomato (thin sliced)
8-10 Slices of Bacon (fully cook, then cut in half)
(feel free to create your own super combo!)

6 Mini-Buns

In  mixing bowl, fully mix ground buffalo, salt, pepper, Worcestershire. We get in there with our bare hands and really gunk it up. How do you mix ground meats?
Separate meat mixture into 6 equal bunches. Form into burger shape patties.
You can go one of two obvious ways to cook here. Grill or Cast Iron. If grilling, warm that baby up, and coat rack with a bit of cooking oil. Place buffalo burgers on the grill for about 5-6 minutes with lid closed. Flip and cook another 4-5 minutes. If you’re going with the cast iron method like we did at Casa Juice, warm that baby up on the stove top. After it’s fully heated place burgers in for 5-6 minutes. Do that little ‘squish’ thing with your spatula once about 1/2 way through. Flip! Cook for another 5 minutes doing that little ‘squish’ thing half way through again.

While your buffalo burgers (or sliders) are cooking, if you haven’t already, slice up those tomatoes. Place your buns on the grill and toast them up for a minute. Sprinkle burgers with your shredded cheese and cover for about 1 minute, just enough for it to melt. Remove buns! (do not burn those babies!)

Now, here’s my favorite part of this buffalo burgers recipe! Slather your organic Wholly Guacamole on those toasted buns! Don’t skimp on it either, it’s TO.DIE.FOR! Add your tomatoes and bacon and cover with bun top!


Keep checking back over here! In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing our favorite recipes using Wholly Guacamole. Tell me what things you love to make! And, don’t say ‘dip’… come on now, be creative!

Did you enjoy this buffalo burgers recipe? What do you top your burgers with?


  1. We eat buffalo whenever we can. it’s delicious!

  2. This sounds delicious! I will try this next week. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  3. These look so yummy, and I am so hungry for lunch when it’s only 9am!

  4. Sounds delicious. I pinned it for you! Yum!

  5. I LOVE buffalo! If I could afford it I would use it instead of beef. This looks SO good! next time I can I will be trying this!

  6. I used to always eat buffalo burgers at Ted’s Montana Grill. Yummo, I miss them!

  7. I have heard wonderful things about Buffalo and the recipe looks great.

  8. I love buffalo, but there is only one place here we can find it and it is an hour away! We are going down there next week, so I will try this recipe as it sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I’d like to make this veggie style : )

  10. I agree with Grandpa that the buffalo wing style with blue cheese does not sound appetizing. But I had to laugh about your comment about the bacon because I made these really yummy turkey burgers a while back and then covered the burger in this really fatty juicy bacon – yummo!! My sister and I have recently discovered that guac is sooo good on burgers. Thanks for the recipe!!

  11. Mmmm this looks so good! I don’t think I’ve tried buffalo, but I’m always open to trying anything! I love putting guacamole on burgers, and it’s also good on subs or any kind of sandwich. It’s a great replacement for mayo!

  12. I’ve never had buffalo, but I would try it. And I love Wholly Guacamole so anything with that on it has to be yummmy!!

  13. Julie O'Brien says

    that looks so good.

  14. How totally lucky are you! YUM! I’ve had buffalo before and it’s delicious! Your burgers look amazing!

  15. Amy Tolley says

    never tried these they sound YUMMY!!!! thanks for sharing we have buffalo ranches out here and you can get your meat from them and its great….thanks again for sharing

  16. We have a Whole Foods near us so I am going to buy it for my husband and boys to see if they can distinguish a taste difference from beef. They will love this recipe with Wholly Guac and bacon!

  17. Whole foods is my favorite grocery store! I haven’t eaten buffalo yet, but they look similar to deer burgers, nice and lean. super yummy looking burger!

  18. This looks delicious. Just pinned it on Pinterest.

  19. I’ll have to try adding guacamole to veggie burgers.

  20. I have never tried buffalo meat but I might just have to go get some now! Thanks!

  21. I’ve just recently had buffalo sloppy joes and I love the topping offered here! A hit with me!

  22. Diane Sallans says

    I haven’t tried Buffalo – I’ll have to look for it.

  23. They look good, but I’m not a fan of wild meats.

  24. Buffalo would be a first for me – I will have to get some at the store to try! Thanks for sharing!

  25. robert gwiazdzinski says


  26. Buffalo is SO much healthier than beef. I wish I could afford to buy it more often!

  27. Yummy recipe! Thanks for sharing.

  28. tamatha hunter says

    I like to mix ground beef & buffalo half/half as it is so lean, give it a try.

  29. Charlotte C. says

    A great alternative to the traditional burger. I like it!

  30. You had me at BACON! Thanks.

  31. YUMM. Must try.

  32. Debbie Welchert says

    It looks and sounds yummy. I don’t know if I am brave enough to try buffalo though.

  33. Yummy! Showed this to my husband and he said that we better be making those for dinner tomorrow! 🙂

  34. Marti Parks says

    I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a buffalo burger today, lol 🙂

  35. These look delicious! And I love Wholly Guacamole on everything, so this is on my list of things to make!

  36. Joanne Gregory says

    Don’t know if I could eat buffalo. But it looks very tasty!

  37. You’ve officially made my stomach growl. Thank you, Lol.

  38. I have never had buffalo but I might try it

  39. I have never tried buffalo meat before, but from the picture and recipe it looks good.

  40. Chrystal S says

    What to try hmm/…I already said stir fry on another post…what about some rice mixture? Maybe mango or pineapple and veggies in rice? Something like that. Rice is a big staple in this house because its so cheap.

  41. Buffalo is not only lean but its also healthy. You must be careful when cooking it because it can easily dry out.

  42. I have been wanting to try Buffalo. This looks really good!

  43. these look so delicious

  44. tammy dodson says

    looks and sounds yummy thanks for sharing

  45. Seyma Shabbir says

    Love buffalo burgers, I have had them and meatloaf. Very lean. So this would be great to try!

  46. Mmm what a great twist on regular burgers! I don’t know where I could buy buffalo here, though. 🙂

  47. Jessica W. says

    Sounds great, only thing I would change would be the cheese. I like a little bit of kick so I might substitute for some cracker barrel Jalapeno cheese.

  48. Jennifer Richards says

    This looks awesome! You can never go wrong with a burger

  49. Julie Thompson says

    Sounds really fattening so I probably wouldn’t make it, even the stuffed cheese burgers I make our healthy.

  50. Definitely going to try this one out

  51. natalia ryjova says

    Minus the bacon, this is good for the entire family.

  52. Buffalo is insanely expensive here, but if I ever get a chance these look good.

  53. Lynde F. says

    I have never thought of using guacamole as a burger condiment! YUM!! Great recipe!

  54. IRENE CYPHER says

    Never had buffalo but these burgers sure sound good.

  55. These look delicious. Two of my favorite burger toppings are bacon and bleu cheese.

  56. Melody Gross says

    Mmmmm! Looks delish.

  57. Tanya Serrao says

    These look amazing!

  58. Trisha McKee says

    This sounds so delicious! I’m hoping to try it soon!

  59. Holly Mitkowski says

    Would love this with vegan ingredients!

  60. i’ll eat just about anything that includes bacon! never had buffalo, but between the bacon and the wholly guacamole, it has to be fabulous

  61. I love buffalo.. it’s awesome.


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