Real Housewives Of Orange County: Reunion Recap
Season 7 Part 2 – She Said What?
I think this part of the reunion was hardest for Vicki Gunvalson in last night’s part two of The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion. She was attacked and confronted on all sides! It was such a relief to hear her finally admit that she was indeed confused about her relationship with Brooks Ayers! We can all breathe a collective sigh of relief that the sham of a relationship may be nearing an end! He’s such a slimy guy. I’ve had enough of his cheesy lines and insincere attempts at flattery, or whatever his game is. #FameWhore
And, while I can’t really say “Poor Alexis” I do feel a pang of pity for her. She got caught up in all her busted lies and backed into nearly every corner the ladies put her in. I was quite surprised Big Ego Jim never made an appearance. Although, his game is to keep women under his thumb and be ‘the man’… Maybe, he’s learned this group can’t be squashed by his tiny… eerr… thumb. I’m left wondering if Alexis will continue on into next season of Real Housewives Of Orange County? Anyone want to start a betting pool?
I give this last round of She Said / She Said to Gretchen in the war over Fox 5! Kind of made me giggle knowing both ladies aren’t even working there, yet they magically pulled emails out of the butt’s to prove who had the reporting job first. My guess? Fox 5 won’t be working with any of the Real Housewives Of Orange County after dragging them into the mud and muck! Sorry ladies, burned that bridge.
TKAGNW and I both agree that Slade is a bit of a louse and needs to get his ass off the couch and get a job, but I do think he adds some much needed comic relief!! In the end, I firmly believe him and Gretchen will marry and go on to make some pretty babies! Next generation of Real Housewives Of Orange County in the making? Let’s hope he can support them, yes?
And who just doesn’t LOVE Brianna? She’s smart, witty and really makes some great points concerning mom Vicki’s relationship with loser Brooks! Makes ya wonder who’s the mom and who’s the daughter here! It’s always sad to see some guy come between a mom and her kids! Hey!! Vicki!! Listen to your daughter, huh?
My girl Tamra has had one roller coaster of a year and I couldn’t be happier for her! She’s found a super, great guy in Eddie and I hope they share a beautiful and happy life together! I don’t miss asshat Simon one bit! do you?
The shining star of this season of Real Housewives Of Orange County has been new comer Heather DuBrow! So cute, so snarky but full of class! I really, really want to be Heather when I grow up!
So, now that the season is over, are you going to join us for a fun filled summer of reruns? We will still be continuing our weekly She Said / She Said live chats of The Real Housewives Of Orange County and this time… let’s get down and dirty. Pick each one apart and find the juicy bits we missed the first go-round!
ALSO!!!! Tamra & Vicki own a celebrity wine club, Wines By Wives, these lovely ladies from the Real Housewives of Orange County have generously offered my readers a monthly subscription to the wine club! Want to enter and WIN WINE?
Check out this link on my other post! Enter here to WIN Wines By Wives!
Here’s Our Live Chat!
- about an hour ago
OMG! You’re going to hell!
- see brianna makes more sense than her mother… not a hippocrite… DRINK
I am so sad that Tamra and Vicki broke up
ok, let’s roll!
Well, back to another great glass of wine–and wait for what will be next…………..hmmmmmmm/???????what will happen next?!!lol Just have to see………
I use to watch this all the time and haven’t had a chance lately to catch up! These ladies are always keeping it interesting!!
I absolutely love this show!! Great recap! Isn’t it great fun!
Haha! While I haven’t kept up with the show I LOVE seeing updates on blogs with recaps. It’s the easy TV Guide version so I still get the trash without watching. Thank you 🙂
I was very good friends with Heather’s husband Terry in high school. Boy has he changed! He looks great, though.
I don’t watch this but you ladies make me want to tune in! Sometimes you just need a little TV to help you unwind!
I know a friend who follows this without missing a beat. Oh boy!
Awesome show!!
I’ll be honest and say that I’ve never seen the show (no cable) but your live chat had me giggling! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Although I haven’t watched this sow much I agree that Vicki should wake up and end her relationship with Brooks
Hm…an interesting show that I have never seen before.
Love this show…
Brianna is so great, she does need to be more involved because she is the only one on the show with her head on straight, and she isn’t mean.
love this show!! makes my family look plain!!
So one of my fave shows!! I must agree, I really believe Vicki needs to wake up and smell the bad of Brooks! There is just something way way too fishy about him and while Vicki has her moments, it’s never right to take advantage of someone! Brianna is so in the right and I am real surprised she would choose him over her children! We shall definitely happens next 😉