Real Housewives Of Orange County
Live Tweet Reunion Wines By Wives
Tonight’s the night! Are you ready?
I hope you will join The Kids Are Grown, Now What and I as we live tweet during The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion show tonight for Wines By Wives, Tamara And Vicki’s Celebrity Wine Club. This is the first of two reunion shows and boy, will they be full of drama, hot gossip and juicy updates only those wives can bring!
We are excited to be working with Wines by Wives and will be drinking and tweeting while we watch. Me Time!! Melissa and I drunk tweeting? Maybe! Add some Real Housewives and, well… How can you miss this?
I got that new ‘big girl’ camera I was talking about last week and one of the first pics I snapped was of my mothly wine selection from Wines By Wives… What do you think?
We have set up a Tweet Grid and hope you will tweet along with us. Use Hashtags #RHOC and #SSWbW.
See you there!!