Real Housewives Of Orange County: Reunion Recap She Said What?

real housewives of orange county

Real Housewives Of Orange County
Recap Season 7, Part 1 – She Said What?

Were you watching??? Melissa and I were tuned into the Real Housewives Of Orange County Reunion and OMG what a hot mess that was! Admit it though, the hotter their messy, drama-rama the more we dig it, right? RIGHT!  We got all set up with our monthly selections sent to us from Wines By Wives and off we went for our weekly chat!

As all reunions, Andy reminds us where the ladies left off. Remember that the once enemies Gretchen and Tamra are now friends, Gretchen and once friend Alexis are now not so friendly. New girl on the block Heather likes everyone (except Alexis, not so much) and  poor Vicki had a really tough year.

Then, it’s off like a mud wresting match and the dirt starts flying! My girls on The Real Housewives Of Orange County don’t play around ya know! First slam goes to Alexis and her …er… less than stellar reporting skills for the local FOX channel. And, of course how Jerky Jim acts more like her daddy than her husband in controlling her life choices and squashing her dreams. Her reply? “That’s just the way our relationship works. So, if it’s strange to some people, I mean, we’re still married, so…” Ok Alexis, whatever. That was a lame answer, you know that, right? We did get to see Alexis apologize to Heather for ripping on her acting skills when the season first started, so maybe, just maybe Alexis does recognize she has faults under all that make up and superficial crap. Maybe not.

Moving on to my favorite gal Tamra, Andy goes over all the recent changes in her life. She’s divorced Simon and has his name tattoo removed from her finger. Which leaves room for cutie pie Eddie to slide a shiny rock right in it’s place! How awesome was that proposal in Bora Bora? Tamra’s fitness studio should be open in a few months and it seems like she’s finally found her happily ever after! Or has she?

The relationship between Vicki and Tamra was a good segue to fall into here. Sour Grapes!! Both admitting to feeling sad over their ‘break-up’ and attempting to crying over it. (insert can’t cry because of botox jokes here) But, the love fest continues between Tamra and Gretchen! Tamra says “After last year’s reunion, I just felt like we were fighting just for the sake of fighting, and things were just getting so out of hand and there was just this vicious circle of nonsense. We do have a lot in common. We do talk a lot. I don’t feel like I hold much back from her.” Friendships on the Real Housewives of Orange County change faster than people change underwear.

Vicki of course is pissed about the G&T love fest. Tamra still clearly despises Brooks (and, can anyone blame her?) And that greatly upsets Vicki. But, she’s put in her place being reminded that she dished her fair share of dirt about Simon and Slade and is now just a big ‘ole hypocrite. Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, seemed to be the word of the hour! (new drinking game – every time someone throws out the word hypocrite, we drink our wine!) Honestly, I’m hoping next week someone tears into Brooks like a starving dog with a new bone, but that’s just me!

And… let’s not forget THE BIRD!!! Omg, that was so damn funny! Poor Andy! Also!!! A little birdie told me, next week we have the really juicy stuff! More mud slinging, more drama-rama and more getting real with the Real Housewives of Orange County!

Melissa and I will be watching and drinking our our wine from Wines by Wives. Speaking of Wines by Wives, have you joined the monthly wine club yet? It’s a pretty good deal and they have some awesome wine! They are currently also running a sale for 50% off all Who Are You Drinking With T-shirts!! I totally want one! Cuz, I can drink with the best of ’em!

Here’s a copy of our live chat!


  1. Drink!

  2. Nikki Muroski says

    I missed part of it but can’t wait for the finale on Monday!!!

  3. that show is bonkers! LOL

  4. I missed the reunion show! That is absolutely the best part of the season. Luckily Bravo will show it over and over until I see and can memorize it.

  5. Can honestly say this is one of the reasons I don’t miss cable at all… never got into reality tv but glad you had a good time watching the reunion show.