Too Cool Back To School Giveaway $40 PayPal Or Amazon CASH!

back to school


I know, I know, YOU Are WAY Too Cool For Back To School!
Totally cool with me! I Am Too!


Too Cool For Back To School Giveaway Hop $40 PayPal Or Amazon CASH!

I bet  you’re not too cool for a Giveaway Hop hosted by BloggerPR! Yeah, didn’t think so! Since summer is sadly (or, not) coming to an end, that means it’s once again time to send the small fry’s back to school. (WooHoo!!!!) Parents are scrambling to stock up on school supplies, clothes, lunch stuff on and on and on… Kids aren’t cheap huh?

So BloggerPR is going to help out! We decided to host a giveaway hop to help everyone win some of those back to school necessities!  This event will run from September 1st through 9th (ends at midnight eastern) which is absolutely plenty of time to hop on down the linky list below! There’s over 80 blogs participating, so you stand a good chance of winning some great back to school stuff from someone! Each blogger is giving away prizes valued $20 or more. And, the more you enter, the better your odds!

Grandma Juice is WAY COOL and giving away $40 Amazon or PayPal CASH… YOU decide what you need to get for the kiddos on their back to school journey this year! Pencils? A backpack? Shoes! OK, we totally won’t know if you spend it on yourself either… have at it! You deserve something new too, right? Your call!

What I am sure of, is that you don’t want to miss out! You have 10 days to hop around and enter all the back to school giveaways and hopefully collect all the prizes!

Enter using the handy, dandy Rafflecopter form below for your shot at $40 back to school cash, then hit up everyone else!

Good luck and have a great school year!






  1. I will start buying Christmas presents!

  2. I would use it for dinner out with my hubby.

  3. I would probably add it to my Christmas shopping fund!

  4. Jessica Snow says

    I would use it for groceries!
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  5. stacey dempsey says

    both my boys just had their birthdays and I just had to get alot of back to school items so probably bills or groceries lol so broke now

  6. I would buy toys for my grandsons to give them this Christmas.

  7. Olesia Flegka says

    I’d buy school supplies

  8. I would buy my boys something.

  9. I’d put it in my blog conference fund!

  10. i’d save it up to buy Xmas gifts, we could really use that right now!

  11. I would use it towards a Christmas gift.

  12. If I won this I would put it towards the new double stroller I need to invest in. Have a 9 month old and about five weeks pregnant with my second!

  13. Anita Leibert says

    I would use it towards a new sweeper!

  14. Debra L. Guillen says

    start my Christmas shopping

  15. I would buy some books

  16. I would use this money for school supplies!

  17. april yedinak says

    art supplies

  18. Amanda Sakovitz says

    I would buy some dishes!

  19. I’d buy flea protection for my cats. I am running low on it again.

  20. colleen boudreau says

    I would use it towards groceries.

  21. Would use it to buy Xmas presents!!

  22. barbara tryon says

    I would add it to my Amazon account because I am saving for a Kindle Fire. Thanks for this giveaway

  23. Save it- I am saving for either a Kindle Fire or Samsung Galaxy Tab

  24. natalia ellin says

    get christmas stuff

  25. Buy groceries!

  26. TRACY SIMMS says

    I need some sneakers for walking..thanks,

  27. I would use it too save up for an ipod towards school.

  28. I’d get somthing nice for my boyfriend, who is all my life and I love him so much 🙂

  29. I’d save it for Christmas! 🙂

  30. i would put it towards a new kitchen aid mixer

  31. Buy groceries.

  32. jenna tomaszewski says

    nice dinner out

  33. I’d like to buy groceries.

  34. deanna_boocock says

    Give to a family at my school that lost everything in a house fire

  35. I’d get it for Amazon and use it towards a pair of shoes my niece wants.

  36. Jayde Ann Shrew says

    put toward energy bill before they shut it off! J Wresh

  37. I would buy my nephews birthday gift of train toys!

  38. richelle bowers says

    use it for my daughters bday

  39. My son is a voracious reader. We would get books for sure.

  40. Christmas shopping

  41. I would probably spend it on school clothes.

  42. Get new clothes for the family

  43. I’d buy some books.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. Buy a new had mixer

  45. Save it for Christmas .

  46. I’d buy my daughter some new shoes.

    Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (

  47. Jennifer (Jen) Boehme says

    I would get a new pet bed for my dog.

  48. it would go towards gifts for christmas.

  49. I’d probably fix me up with some new boots.

  50. I would buy my husband a nice anniversary gift!

  51. I’d love to get some new shoes for my little one.

  52. I’ll use it to buy Christmas presents!

  53. Thomas Murphy says

    I would use this towards Christmas gifts.

  54. Krystal Ramirez says

    I would use it towards clothes

  55. I would use it towards Christmas shopping! 🙂

  56. I would get some books! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  57. Probably buy cleaning supplies

  58. Just buy some groceries or gas.

  59. I will use it toward the bills 🙂

  60. I’d buy educational books.

  61. I would use it toward some much needed new sneakers.

  62. I would probably save it to buy presents for people. 🙂

  63. I’d save it toward a laptop.

  64. Tari Lawson says

    I would use it for Christmas gifts.

  65. Margaret Smith says

    I would use this towards Christmas shopping.

  66. I’d use it for books, arts and crafts supplies and walnut oil.

  67. susan wiener says

    a silver ring.

  68. susan wiener says

    buy a ring

  69. I accidently hit enter too soon on the easy entry

    Kathleen Porteous
    kport207 at gmail dot com

  70. If I won, I would put the money toward a Kindle Fire

  71. I am saving for a Ipad I would put it towards that

  72. Francine Anchondo says

    save for christmas

  73. If I won I would buy textboks for school

  74. I would put it toward Christmas.

  75. I would use it to buys ebooks that I like to read on my kindle!

  76. if I won the Paypal I’d use it to buy a new outfit for my job hunting!

  77. Buy some new things!

  78. I would save it for a Kindle.

  79. I would use it to buy a toaster oven.

  80. I’d save this for my kids’ Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway!

  81. Kathy davis says

    I would give the money to my son who is in his first year of teaching – special needs kids. As a retired teacher myself I know that teachers spend their own money on their students. This money would be a blessing to him and his students.

  82. Barbara Montag says

    I’d get a toaster oven – thank you.

  83. I would use it toward Christmas presents!
    cjnedrow at gmail dot com

  84. I’m saving up for a vacation, this would go in our fund! 🙂

  85. jodi bradshaw says

    buy my husband part of his bday gift

  86. if i will be chosen, i will add the budget for the gift i will buy on my son’s first birthday on october- and that’s next month! actually, i have eyed an item on ebay and i’m planning of buying him a harness bag so he can walk with assistance and he won’t get lost easily. cross fingers 😉

  87. to pay my bills

  88. Sara Zielinski says

    I think I would save it for Christmas Shopping!

  89. Jacob LaFountaine says

    Put it towards a Nintendo Wii U

  90. gasoline & groceries w/$40. oh yeah.

  91. Save it for the holidays.

  92. Erica Barnes says

    I’d set it aside for the holidays.

  93. I’d buy books or jewelry, which I never get to do!

  94. Jennifer H. says

    probably put it in the gas tank
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  95. I’d use it for holiday shopping.

  96. replenish my blogger opp entry fees fund! :/

  97. Mia Dentice Carey says

    get something for my son’s birthday

  98. I have absolutely no idea how i would spend this money.

  99. Angela walczak says

    I will start winter clothes shopping!!!!

  100. I’d use it to get a Nike hoodie for my son. Thanks.

  101. I would put it towards winter clothes for my girls. thank you!

  102. Stephanie Hirsch says

    I’d use it towards Halloween costumes!

  103. krista grandstaff says

    I would save it for Christmas…and the 8 birthdays I have coming up…UGH…lol..

  104. looking for something nice on Amazon

  105. I would buy some new backpacks for the kids!

  106. I’d pick up the little things we’ve probably forgotten.

  107. paige chandler says

    I’d fill up the tank.

  108. It’d go toward a kickstart or two.

  109. David Hollingsworth says

    I would purchase a new pair of glasses!

  110. I would start my Christmas shopping

  111. I’d start Christmas shopping!

  112. Gerardo Zamora says

    christmas shopping

  113. i will buy some crafting supplies

  114. If i win i choose Paypal and buy food!

  115. Put it towards a tablet.

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  116. Blake Longford says

    I would get Amazon so I can buy my son a great birthday present.

  117. Kimberly R. says

    I would use it to buy books!

  118. i would stock up on diapers and baby wipes

  119. Theresa Shafer says

    saving for an air purifier

  120. elven johnson says

    4 months of myglam

  121. I would buy some fall clothes!

  122. ThePixieSprinkles says

    Gifts for my daughter’s upcoming birthday! =)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  123. I’m saving for Christmas shopping

  124. I’d buy some links into some giveaway events.

  125. kirsten gerek says

    If i win the $40, i would be soooo happy. I desperatly need a new down comforter so I would put it towards that!

  126. Jenny Stanek says

    Save it for Christmas shopping!

  127. We need so many things ..too many to list….it would really help!

  128. i’d use it for groceries

  129. I’d use it for Christmas gifts.

  130. I have many items in my amazon wishlist that I would purchase with this money!!! 🙂

  131. I’d save it for Christmas gifts!

  132. Colleen Fowler says

    I would put it toward an iPad for my husband!

  133. save it for Christmas shopping.

  134. Heather Turner says

    pay bills or buy gas. we’re poor!

  135. i’d buy shoes

  136. Cody Anderson says

    I would put it toward my new laptop.

  137. I would put it towards birthday party supplies for my daughter’s 3rd birthday

  138. I would use the $40 for Christmas shopping.

  139. micheal dale grim says

    i would let my little girl buy herself something nice!!!

  140. I’d like to get a compost container at

  141. Jennifer Reda says

    i’d buy a new vacuum, ha!

  142. Kasee Johnson says

    I spent so much money on my 4 kids getting them ready for school – 1 off to college, 1 starting middle school, and 2 homeschooling with me for 3rd grade and kindergarten – that I neglected my reading wishlist. I would choose a few books off my list and indulge my addiction.

  143. I’d use it to start Christmas shopping!

  144. Karla Sceviour says

    I would save it up for Chrristmas gifts! Thanks!
    ksceviour at hotmail dot com

  145. nannypanpan says

    use it for christmas’

  146. Christmas presents.

  147. probably put it towards bills, they’re piling up again

  148. Barbara Long says

    I would use the money toward our son’s birthday gift.

  149. Like many others, I’d save it to buy Christmas gifts

  150. Buy a Kindle!

  151. Keisa Rogers says

    I would save it for Christmas gifts.Thanks!

  152. I’d use it for fall clothes for the kids!

  153. It would help with my Christmas shopping.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  154. James Van Hooser says

    I would buy groceries.

  155. I would put it towards a kindle.

  156. I would buy a computer mouse

  157. Chrystal J. says

    I would buy a new laptop case.

  158. Lorena Keech says

    I’d buy books for my Kindle

  159. Denise Donaldson says

    I would put it towards and ipod touch

  160. michelle Combs says

    I would pay some bills

  161. Kathy Pease says

    id buy a new mixer

  162. Baby clothes

  163. I would buy some Christmas presents.

  164. latisha depoortere says

    I would pick amazon and buy some books on my wishlist! Thank you great giveaway!

  165. I would pick Amazon and buy a book that I’ve been wanting and some Christmas presents

  166. buy baby stuff

  167. Susan Smith says

    I’d buy books

  168. I’d go out to lunch a couple of times.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  169. I’d use it for food.

  170. Richard Hicks says

    would use on a new pair of shoes

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  171. I would buy a birthday gift for my sister.

  172. Oh, I’m sure I’d put it toward Christmas gifts!

  173. I think I’d use it toward getting a new iPod for my niece, who just started college and is already homesick!

  174. Annemarie Z. says

    I would get a new purse!

  175. Kristie Betts says

    School supplies

  176. Tanya White says

    I would use it for Christmas shopping

  177. Teresa Thompson says

    I need new luggage.

  178. I’ll put it toward an Amazon Fire.
    Thanks for the contest.

  179. I’d buy food

  180. I would buy something for my new apartment

  181. Tyler Meitz says

    I would use it on a computer upgrade.

  182. I would probably buy something on Etsy

  183. Caitlin McClure says

    I’d get baby stuff

  184. My girls would love for me to buy the full series of Little House on the Prairie!

  185. I would purchase some things I need for the house!

  186. I’d buy some rollerskates

  187. christal c w says

    I think I would use it for xmas shopping or a birthday present for hubby

  188. I would put it toward $$ for Jeans for my teenage son 🙂 THX!

  189. I would buy bedding!

  190. Carolyn Daley says

    I would use it to buy ink for my printer

  191. Lisa Hackney says

    There are still a few school supplies I haven’t picked up yet… even though school has already started. With 8 in school and 1 in preschool, this time of year costs an arm and a leg!

  192. TRACY SIMMS says

    I need the cash for some more jeans for my sons..thanks,

  193. Paul T/Pauline T says

    saving it for christmas present – – – Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

  194. I’d buy a video game

  195. Groceries.

  196. If I’m the winner I would ad it to my Christmas fund

  197. Jennifer Speed says

    put it towards a new cellphone

  198. cassandra (rab pom) says

    I would definitely go grocery shopping!