Olivers Labels Review & Giveaway: No More Lost Kids Items

olivers labels

Olivers Labels Review & Giveaway: No More Lost Kids Items

Olivers Labels Review & Giveaway
Personalized Kids Labels Camp Package


So, now that Ethan’s 6, we let him do a couple ‘sleep overs’ with friends he wouldn’t get to see now that it’s summer vacation. He also felt like such a big kid when he went to the weekend basketball camp. And, while all these activities are fun and making him feel all ‘big kid’ like, he’s still such a little guy. Ethan, where’s your new bathing suit? Ethan, where’s the other shoe that goes with this pair? You see where this is headed? Right… “I don’t know” … That’s how this summer could have gone if not for these super cute labels we got from Olivers Labels. Because that one missing shoe did find it’s way home from his friends house when the other mom found it! It had a label right inside with his name on it! Despite popular opinion, we don’t have a money tree and can’t run out to replace every lost and missing item!

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(Lost shoe came home!)

You can toss those old school, messy permanent markers right back in the junk drawer! I’ve got something better for you to use! Olivers Labels are colorful labels with over 40 great designs choices. They are made from durable high-performance, waterproof, and scuff-proof materials. These sticky labels can even be used on items that need to go into the dishwasher, ‘fridge, microwave, and survive rough and tumble outside ‘boy play’! OH! And the clothing labels! So cool!  They are so easy to apply iron-on’s that can be tossed right into the washer and dryer, because the printing is guaranteed to never rub or wear off. And, since these school uniform shirts for school aren’t being handed out just to the cute kids, we stuck them right on all the new school clothes we just bought!

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(won’t be living in the lost & found box!)

He’s super excited about the large bag tags that were included. We’re going on a little vacation next week and he’s already had me put one the bag he gets to pack his clothes in and on his backpack for school. He’s positive this will keep the older boy from claiming his ‘high-tech’ (his words) backpack for himself like last year! He’s got it all planned out! See!

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(won’t be carrying the older’s kids lunch box!)

So, we kid tested the ‘return your lost items’ home, check. Tested out the washer/dryer ‘won’t rub off’, check. And when school starts, we’ll test out the ‘keep your hands off my goods’… I think, if you’ve got some small fry’s heading out to camp this summer, spending the night with their BFF’s or need those school supplies labeled up so you don’t have to keep spending $$ to replace lost items, you’ll absolutely love Olivers Labels! Oh, you already do? Super… You can order any of these awesome designs and packages from Olivers Labels, and even customize your own set! ALSO!! The generous folks over at Olivers Labels have told me to giveaway a complete Camp Package! I know, sweet, right!

Here’s what you get:

  • 20 x Original Labels
  • 50 x Mini Labels
  • 14 x Shoe Labels
  • 30 x Iron-on Clothing Labels
  • 35 x Stick-eez™ Clothing Labels
  • 2 x Large Bag Tags

151 Olivers Labels with a retail value of $58.99! Open to US/CAN. Giveaway will ends August 17th at 11:59 pm EST. Enter the giveaway using the handy, dandy Rafflecopter form below. Good Luck!

This contest has ended. Congrats to Mistee D. for the great WIN! We hope you’re enjoying you Oliver’s Labels!

Grandma Juice was sent an Olivers Labels Camp Package to facilitate this review. However, we only recommend products/servcies we feel our readers will enjoy. All opinions are 100% our own! 


  1. What a great giveaway! Kids love labels – heck I even still do as an adult. 😉

  2. Jocelyne Alldrick says

    mini lables would be great for pens, pencils, crayons and markers
    and for 3 kids, that’s a lot of labelling!!

  3. My son just started pre-school so this is a timely post for me to stumble across – thanks for the ideas!

  4. We love these labels. No more lost items for us

  5. Jeannie L says

    Love the pre-school package for my little guy that’s about to start pre-school. They have the right kind of labels that we would need.

  6. I think that the Camp package looks great – a little bit of everything! Great review!

  7. nice for back to school

  8. Carmen Van Deursen says

    Camp pack would work for my son

  9. I love the Room-eez Name Decals with Graphics

  10. Diane Sallans says

    I like the PreSchool Package – that would be very useful to identify all the items that could otherwise get misplaced.

  11. I like the pantry labels.

  12. I like the Date Labels and Pantry Labels because my kitchen could use the organization! I love the date labels can go on my tupperware for me to remembre what they are and when I put them in there!