Go Beyond Gardening Get Your Garden Bulbs Growing Curbside Chaos

Go Beyond Gardening Get Your Garden Bulbs Growing Curbside Chaos


This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.. All opinions are 100% mine.

Did you see who won the Curbside Chaos Yard Make Over? (hint! It wasn’t me)

The very lucky winner of the Curbside Chaos Yard Make Over had an awesome time creating the yard of her dreams with expert Taniya Nayak. Check out this video!

I could do some pretty sweet stuff with a $5,000 yard makeover! Living out here in the desert makes it really difficult to keep garden bulbs growing. There’s no ‘dirt’… It’s really a lot of sand! What do you plant in that? I have my own special brand of ‘curbside chaos’ going on, that’s for sure!  I would love more than anything, to add tons of colorful garden bulbs that will bloom into awesome flowers and change this ‘brown desert’ to a yard bursting with color! Also!! Totally cool fact… you can ‘force’ those garden  bulbs to bloom indoors in the winter!

I hopped over to Curbside Chaos to learn about how exactly I should put some color in this brown yard. Garden bulbs are actually pretty easy to get the color popping! Go on, check it out! You’ll see this lovely lady for some tips!

This is Marcy! She can walk you through it step by step. She wants to have great flowers like I do as long as they are easy to keep up. She’s busy chasing kids!

Also, you can use the Garden Guru tool in the bottom left hand corner of the screen to help you figure out which garden bulbs will grow best in your area of the country. That was kind of perfect for me since everything I pick on my own is never right for my brown desert!

I really like that they are such ‘givers’ over there! Charity is important ya’ll! Every time you share on Twitter using hashtag #CurbsideChaos, “Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.” will donate $1 to Rebuilding Together, a nonprofit organization that helps revitalize communities and supports affordable home ownership.

Go on! visit www.digdropdone.com to learn more!


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  1. I love that they give to Rebuilding Together. We can help in such a big way, by doing something simple enough, as Tweeting.

  2. What a beautiful website. I planted tulips bulbs one year and they turned out so nice….digging those holes though killed my back. Oh how I could use that money for my backyard!!!

  3. We dont have a yard we can work on like that yet but we will by next year! great site!

  4. I planted bulbs once and they actually grew! I was so impressed with myself!

  5. What an amazing back yard! So jealous. Love that they are helping out a charity as well!

  6. Do you think we should start dressing like Marcy?

  7. I’m getting ready to plant bulbs. Thank you for posting 🙂

  8. I like the bulb browser. I just wish I had a green thumb.

  9. LOL, Melissa’s comment is hilarious! I don’t think I could do it…

  10. I’m working on my green thumb…so I may have to try some bulbs next. 🙂

  11. nice backyard – I wish I would win!

  12. hmm.. maybe my black thumb might be able to grow something!