International Delight Iced Coffee Making a Wake Me Up Party

International Delight Iced Coffee Party Idea

International Delight Iced Coffee Making a Wake Me Up Party

What’s the coolest way to have the family over on a Sunday morning for some fun, laughs and a little nosh? Throw an International Delight Iced Coffee Wake Me Up Party, of course!

I run on caffeine! And, how else am I going to keep up with my crazy family if I don’t get a little coffee to kick start the day? We decided to take advantage of the party pack we received from International Delight Iced Coffee to gather the family up, have some food, fun and a bit of silliness last Sunday.

triple layer mud pie international delight iced coffee

I started out with the typical late morning food of eggs, bacon, fruit and some toast. But! I wanted to see what else we could come up with that would be a nice sweet treat and use the International Delight Iced Coffee. I have to say, our Triple Layer Mud Pie (find the recipe here) was quite a hit!

international delight iced coffee

With the coffee, breakfast, sweet dessert, and fun extras goodies we were ready to have a great time at our Wake me Up party! We each made a sign showing off why we love iced coffee.  With four flavors to choose from (Regular, Vanilla, Caramel Macchiato and Mocha) each guest could pick what they wanted to enjoy.

I’m am for sure a Vanilla coffee kinda girl. Grandpa picked the Mocha flavor as his favorite. Jessica of course picked caramel macchiato as her favorite and that seemed to go for everyone else as well. All  flavors were liked equally as much with original flavor bringing up the rear. It wasn’t bad, it just didn’t have that extra ‘kick’ of flavor.

We also pretty much decided that you could go to a coffee house and do the same thing (minus the delicious pie!)  But with our crazy clan, it was much better to be at home where we could be silly. Let’s not forget to mention that what we spent on this family breakfast with iced coffee, it would have been crazy expensive over there!   Iced coffee runs about $5.00 a pop at a coffee house. We paid less than that for the whole of International Delight Iced Coffee. And, there was no grumpy Batista to deal with either! Well, Jess can be grumpy pre-coffee so we set her up right away!

We had a really great Sunday morning Wake Me Up Party! Try it! There’s tons of recipes you can make with it too! Be a little creative! Next time you are in the store pick some  up and give it a try.  Head on over to their facebook page to keep up with all things International Delight Iced Coffee and grab a few recipes to try! I’m betting you can snag some coupons from time to time as well!

Tell me what you’d make using International Delight Iced Coffee!!

I wrote this review while participating in an In Home Party campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of International Delight and received product samples to facilitate my party and review, and a promotional item to thank me for participating. however, we had a super time at our party and all opinions are that of Grandma Juice blog.


  1. Sounds like you guys had a caffeine blast!

  2. I totally run off coffee too! All that breakfast food you made, its nice to have a lazy coffee treat. I’d probably want to make something with Mocha & Mint.

  3. sounds like a awesome party ….now I want some pie!! and Coffee!

  4. I am totally a vanilla girl too! I haven’t tried the caramel yet… will have to keep my eyes peeled for it – my daughter will probably love it!

  5. I’d never think of using Iced Coffee in a pie like that. Looks so delicious!!

  6. Kelly Stallings says

    Thanks so much for the party! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  7. I haven’t tried any of these as, alas, I cannot have caffeine. I feel so excluded. They look SOOO good.

  8. Sounds like the perfect Sunday morning to me! Vanilla is the favorite in our house, matter of fact we can’t seem to keep it on hand. Thanks for the post…

  9. I don’t drink coffee or tea, but that pie sure looks scrumptious!

  10. That looks SO delicious!

  11. I haven’t tried these yet. That pie looks awfully good and I think my boys would gobble it up in short order.

  12. I LOVE international Delight! I am totally about to try that dessert though, looks delicious!

  13. that recipe looks amazing! thanks for sharing 🙂

  14. I LOVE this stuff…just drank a glass, in fact. (And so much cheaper than buying it on the go!)

  15. Oh my! I am going to have to try this!

  16. I can’t survive without my coffee! I have wanted to try this stuff but haven’t yet. Now with your recipe I have an excuse!!

  17. Sounds like a fun party. I’ve had those before, and my fave is the hazelnut.

  18. fun! I have been wanting to try their Iced Coffee. I have been too afraid to pick it up as I am afraid it will become a new habit I wont want to stop.

  19. Sounds fun!

  20. I have got to stop reading food posts at night…or else I’ll be gaining 20lbs before I know it!

  21. I love those. I have to be in the mood for sweet but they are good!

  22. Marcella Cook says

    We’re not big coffee drinkers in our family, but it sounds like you had a lot of fun! I’m going to have to try that Triple Layer Mud Pie.

  23. Not a coffee drinker, but the caramel one sounds like my kind of treat!


  1. […] had our now famous Wake Me Up Party last Sunday and really wanted a nice tasty dessert to go along with our breakfast and coffee. Can I […]