Last Minute Halloween Ideas Costumes, Treats, Crafts – Tutorials!

Last Minute Halloween Ideas

Last Minute Halloween Ideas Costumes, Treats, Crafts – Tutorials!

We just carved our pumpkin last night! Not because we were stuck for some last minute Halloween ideas, not even because we’re lazy if you can believe that! (Maybe… A little) No, here in Las Vegas if we would have carved ole’ Jack O’ Lantern up last week, the heat would have turned him into a mushy, moldy blob. Which, is really nasty sitting on your porch when small people come up asking for treats. Plus, have you ever tried sticking a candle in one of those moldy blobs of orange mush? Not pretty my friends, not pretty.

But, having gone from a house with 4 kiddos down to just one, we have a bit more time for all this hoopla. For those of you still scrambling for some last minute Halloween ideas, I totally got your back!

Check out some of the really cool and easy last minute Halloween ideas I put together for you! I Know!! I’m such a giver these days! You’re welcome!

Last Minute Halloween Ideas – Costume Tutorials


Next, we have some yummy treats! Create unique brownies by adding mini candy bars to the batter and baking as usual. Or try some of these treats to up the yummy factor!

Last Minute Halloween Ideas – Treats


And last, but certainly not least, we have last minute crafts! Put together a fun wreath by hot gluing candy around a wreath form. Hang a Styrofoam ball covered with a white cloth from the porch for a spooky but fun ghost.

Last Minute Halloween Ideas – Crafts


  1. Great collection! I’m always looking for some new, last minute ideas to celebrate with.

  2. Great list! I’m always procrastinating so I love things that can be done last minute.

  3. great ideas! Happy Halloween!

  4. Ooooo, I’m gonna look at that Sugar Skulls recipe. Sounds like a fun one!

  5. I meant to say tutorial, not recipe. lol

  6. Marcella Cook says

    I don’t have any last minute Halloween ideas, I am usually prepared for this kind of stuff. I do have to say I love this tutorial!

  7. Fantastic ideas! We’re hoping that we even have a Halloween at this point, with the storm coming today. Fingers crossed!

  8. Thank you! I definitely need help this Halloween!

  9. I still haven’t gotten my gal a costume, but Halloween may be cancelled here in NY due to Sandy! EEK!

  10. I love last-minute ideas since that’s about all I have time for 😉 Great round up!!

  11. Thanks! We’re stuck inside because of the Hurricane, these will be great crafts to keep us busy.

  12. I’m super happy with being a grandparent. I can enjoy all of the holidays so much more w/ot the stress.

  13. Great round up! Trick or treating is over for my little ones, but I’ll be sure to come back to this next year!

  14. Great ideas! And I hear you on the squishy pumpkins. We live in NY but many a years we ended up with pumpkins that looked like old people with gray hair ‘inside’

  15. Now I want a chalkboard pumpkin!! That’s SO COOL! 🙂 We’re actually skipping the carving (the kids think it’s GROSS) and are painting ours this year. They are happy with that so it works for me!

  16. Fun Ideas – I just added a link to this to our community blog on Halloween in Las Vegas

  17. They all look like so much fun!

  18. Oh I love last minute. I am totally a last minute person… We just got our pumpkins yesterday and just got the kids’ costumes yesterday. I still have to buy candy to pass out and the kids still have to carve the pumpkins which will have to be tomorrow night because tonight is church night. Oye.

  19. Great Ideas!

  20. I’m lovin’ this roundup!

  21. I don’t “do” halloween,but it’s interestng to see costume ideas.

  22. Oh, I really like that duct tape lantern idea!

  23. Davinia’s least favorite holiday of the entire year is Halloween she hates all the knocking on the door and the loud noises. We are officially going up to the mountains so she doesn’t have to deal with it.
    I just made up Halloween bags for the kids that always say hello to the girls I should print out the Subway Halloween Art to put on the outside.

  24. my son is STILL trying to decide whether to go out trick or treating! I will keep these in mind if he ever decides!

  25. Thanks! I still haven’t bought anything for Halloween yet!

  26. Thanks! I still haven’t bought anything for Halloween yet!

  27. We need these ideas around here. I’m not prepared at all for tomorrow! Thanks for giving me some inspiration!

  28. My 9 year old’s last minute costume idea is to be a hobo and wear clothes that he’s run into the ground and carry a pillowcase sack.

  29. Love the paper doll idea. Love that!

  30. Ha, we just carved ours today and we’re in the North East. It’s just the way we do it though. Although our weather is wonky anyways and it can get warm and then cold which pumpkins don’t like much at all once they are carved. I have no Halloween ideas for you though, sorry.

  31. Thank you so much for this post, Alot of great ideas…

  32. Everything you need to know for last-minute Halloween costumes!

  33. Those are some great ideas! I can’t believe tomorrow is Halloween and since our trick-or-treating was postponed we just might do some of these.

  34. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  35. Everytime I think “Last minute” I think ghosts with sheets! LOL Great list!

  36. Awesome collection! I may have to peek at the Sugar skulls costume for our “Day of the Dead” parade.

  37. Great ideas to share! Thanks. We have many traditions at our house too!

  38. Lots of great ideas! Halloween is almost over. Boo 🙁

  39. I know Halloween is over, but really; these would still be a lot of fun to make. especially the ghost cupcakes; my boys would love them!