Steven Speilberg DreamWorks Lincoln UNITE Movie Trailer

Steven Speilberg, DreamWorks Lincoln “UNITE” Movie Trailer 

Alright, so while we were all glued to the boob tubes watching the new rounds of political debating the other night the creative genius of a movie that is Steven Speilberg and Dreamworks Lincoln, released a new trailer. The irony actually made me tear up as I watched this newest trailer titled ‘UNITE’…. Let that sink in.

I have not been waiting in line for a movie premier since I was a teenager. Standing with my friends trying to scare each other silly while we waited for Nightmare on elm Street and Freddy Kruger to come out. You can bet, this November, I will be standing in line waiting to see this one at midnight! That is of course, unless I am at the premier, which, I’m crossing my fingers and toes happens.

Never again, will we have such an important and truly inspiring guy sitting in the Oval office. The Steven Speilberg and Dreamworks LINCOLN movie could not be coming out at a better time, hopefully, it will remind us where we’ve been, how far we’ve come and why the hell we keep fighting for where we are. Maybe the big guys in suits standing around bickering with each other should watch this before saying anything else?

Powerful, right?

Steven Spielberg directs two-time Academy Award® winner Daniel Day-Lewis in “Lincoln,” a revealing drama that focuses on the 16th President’s tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come.
During President Lincoln’s tumultuous final months in office, he pursues a course of action to end the Civil War, unite the country and abolish slavery.

If you haven’t already, keep up with all this Dreamworks LINCOLN on Facebook.
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In select theaters November 9, 2012
Opens nationwide November 16, 2012


  1. This does look like a great movie–one that I would pay to see in the theaters. I’m tired of all the political mud slinging and can’t wait for that to be all over with–but this gives me something to look forward to.

  2. He is a great director so that in itself translates into a great movie. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Not usually the type of movie I’d probably watch but looks good. Interesting to see our history from over a hundred years ago, especially since we’re in an election year. May have to watch this one at home on dvd.

  4. I am really looking forward to seeing this movie! I love Historical movies and tv shows and with Stephen Speilberg directing it should be great!