Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Towel Combination Giveaway

Yoga Mat & Towel Combo Giveaway

Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Towel Combination Giveaway

Can you believe in just a few short days the new year will be here? 2013! Doesn’t that seem… crazy pants! What happened to 2012? In order to kickoff 2013 with a BANG we’ve decided to send out 2012 in total style!

Got big plans for a New Year’s Eve Celebration? I can set you up with some pretty Trendy New Year’s Eve cocktails! And, if you partake too much in the libations, I’ve got some tips to prevent & cure that hangover! Know what else we have going on? Only 1 of the best giveaways just in time for the new year to start!

Grandma Juice would like to welcome you to the LUCKY ’13 New Years Giveaway Hop hosted by BloggerPR! Someone had to organize an event to celebrate the new year with some amazing prizes, right! Each of the participating bloggers is giving away a prize valued at $20 or more.  And so far, there’s over 50 bloggers giving away some really great prizes! Odds are looking good for you! This event will run from December 29th until January 12th, which gives you plenty of time to hop down the linky list below.

Grand Juice is helping to start your new year with a happy body & happy mind! To help keep those healthy living changes we’re all making, I have a Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Microfiber Towel Combo Set! ARV $89.99

Yoga Health Mat

Aurorae’s unique super deluxe slip free yoga mat & towel combination bonds our eco-safe PER 5mm yoga mat with our lush, ultra absorbent, slip free microfiber towel. You will experience no more slipping and have no more need for your bunched up skid-less towel. Synergy’s 5mm thickness is ideal for your safety and comfort of your yoga mat. You will have the best of both worlds all wrapped into one. Synergy is the most innovative yoga mat product on the market. You will find nothing else like it.

Perfect giveaway at the perfect time! Lucky 13 for sure! Let’s start this new year happy & healthy with the Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Towel Combination! Ready? You know what to do! Fill out the handy, dandy Rafflecopter form below and off you go! Giveaway open to US & Canada residents 18+. All entries will be verified. You wouldn’t cheat, would you?

Good Luck & Happy New Year! Now hop on down that linky form and get to winning!  

This contest has now ended. CONGRATS to our lucky and hopefully healthier, happier winner!


  1. New year’s resolution I would like to keep: Eat healthier food. I think I can keep it going.

  2. I hope to continue practicing yoga!

  3. I want to lose 15 lbs.

  4. nicole lewis says

    eat better to lose weight and keep going to the gym

  5. eat healthier and go to the gym

  6. Kim Burnett says

    go to the gym

  7. Ash Johnson says

    I’d like to work out more.

  8. I am determined to lose weight – same as every year; only this year I have already developed the good eating habits and better exercise habits, so I have a good headstart and life plan.

  9. I hope to eat less junk food and make more healthy meals and healthy choices.

  10. I intend to eat more veggies & fruit and fewer sweets this year.

  11. New years resolution- spend more time with family and take more photos of the moments.

  12. I’d like to let go of the negative thoughts, discover self-love, and end binge eating.

  13. I need to get more fit!

  14. Aimee Correa says

    Not talking about or dwelling on the past

  15. Stephanie Phelps says

    I am trying to quit smoking

  16. Traci Lynn Butler says

    I would like to get more exercise in 2013 – this prize would help!

  17. How did you know I was planning on adding yoga to my new year routine! Actually, I’ve already started and it feels GREAT! I’d love to win this mat to help me out because the one I have is low quality and I slide all over it, lol.

  18. I would like to volunteer more.

  19. To be a better listener and not jump to conclusions-_Happy New Year

  20. Jennifer Barata Allen says

    To excersice at least twice a week and drink more water

  21. eat less fast food

  22. Sacha Schroeder says

    To get healthier and spend more quality time with the kids!

  23. To eat healthier. To move more.

  24. Andrea Liss says

    pay more attention to what i am eating and not to overear

  25. Mine is to eat more healthy.

  26. to be a more patient mother and to lose the remaining 10 lbs I gained while pregnant 🙂

  27. I hope to lose 10 pounds in 2013

  28. I am going to find more time for myself

  29. I hope to improve my health and family relationships all year long

  30. hoping to eat healthier

  31. My resolution is to regularly do a crossfit-type workout.

  32. michelle warner says

    im going to try my hardest to quit smoking, its going to be hard but i need to do it

  33. I want to eat at home more to save money and maybe lose a few pounds.

  34. I would love to eat more fruits and veggies!

  35. soha molina says

    I;d like to drink more water and less soda.

  36. I am going to walk a mile at least every other day.
    Diana S

  37. Megan McGowan Parsons says

    Save more money

  38. Yoga I practiced for 5 years and fell out would love to do daily again

  39. I hope to save enough money to make a down payment on a new house!

  40. i would like to give up soda and drink more water all year long. Thanks!

  41. I hope to make healthier choices in the new year.

  42. I resolve to keep strictly vegetarian in my diet!

  43. I want to save more money

  44. i hope to keep losing weight until i reach my goal

  45. Exercise regularly (2-3 times a week). Thanks!

  46. barbara remaly hart says

    I need to definitely lose weight. My knees & back hurt, I get out of breathe alot.

  47. I hope to try and think more positively this coming year.

  48. Jennifer Rote says

    I just want to be more active.

  49. Cindi Decker says

    I want to eat less sugar and flour. I am really going to try and keep this going.

  50. cut back on diet pop

  51. Carmen Van Deursen says

    To make and keep all appointment for better health.

  52. My New Year’s resolution is to incorporate more organic things into my life, and less chemicals.

  53. Jennifer Holovack says

    I hope to be a better mom and wife 🙂

  54. I’d like to cut down on my Diet Pepsi and exercise more.

  55. Kelly Tanner says

    I really hope to get my house more organized this year! And keep my family healthy, happy and safe.

  56. I hope to continue to build strength in my legs to improve my running.

  57. To keep going to our gym and eating right.

  58. Smile more, laugh more.

  59. I desire to continue to be grateful and thankful every single day.

  60. I just gave up on a New Years Resolution. LOL…

  61. I don’t make resolutions but the excitement from my children is contagious and rubs off on me so I want to make more of their dreams and wishes come true!

  62. To exercise more, and no more pop, no more ice cream, sub with water and fruit.

  63. Michael L. Worthington says

    To be a better Christian for 2013

  64. Cutting back on sodas!

  65. lame, I know, but exercise more

  66. My resolution is to do more cooking from scratch.

  67. To be healthier and spend more time w/ family!

  68. My New Year resolution is to lose 20 lbs and to buy something new for My house every month

  69. To exercise three days a week.

  70. I resolve to spend at least 10 minutes every day meditating.

  71. To knit at least six pairs of socks in 2013.

  72. golden storm says

    to loose 30lbs and once i have i hope to keep up the exercises

  73. Jenny Stanek says

    Cut out caffeine!

  74. rosidentevil says

    becoming more organized
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  75. I hope to be more active and eat a more balanced diet.

  76. Sherry Compton says

    I hope to declutter…go through closets and boxes and donate what I can. Then, continue, doing so throughout the new year.

  77. natalie nichols says

    I’d like to stop cussing

  78. My number one goal is to get in the habit of drinking more water

  79. to lose weight!

  80. Tara Gauthier says

    I want to get my filing organized and keep up with it.

  81. sharee hill says

    lose 110 lbs.

  82. I want to spend more time with God. Thank you for this giveaway.

  83. I hope to get my own place again soon

  84. This year I resolved to not let fear and anxiety control me. I’m sick of living with anxiety. It’s mind over matter and I resolve to live more joyfully. 🙂

  85. I need to save more money!!!

  86. To count my blessings each morning as I get ready for the day and thank God for the day he has given me…no matter what it may bring.

  87. Daily meditation and yoga

  88. Ruth Reynolds says

    saving money so we can do more things together.

  89. Cut out sugar consumption!

  90. Ha! It was to lose weight but I broke it already. Guess I’ll start again 🙂

  91. Nikkie Cossairt says

    I hope I can keep eating healthy all year long.

  92. exercising more, doing more yoga & eating more raw foods! gotta take great care of myself this year!! thanks for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂

  93. I want to exercise daily!

  94. I hope to keep my life organized and finish some of my projects.

  95. Paul T/Pauline T says

    to lose 45 pounds —– Paul T/Pauline T aka Paol Trenny ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

  96. Maegan Morin says

    Im really trying to play outside with my kids more.

  97. I hope to cut soda out of my diet completely

  98. I have 3! A) Growing my blog B) Lose 20 pounds C) Complete my Massage Therapy Certification!

  99. I want to exercise more frequently.

  100. I hope to reach my goal weight in 2013!

  101. I am trying to not eat fried food and reading more labels in the store no corn syrup

  102. I have a plan to run a 50K this year. Social media is helping me stick with it!

  103. Lisa Hackney says

    I am hoping to continue on the road to eating healthier. We have cut out all meats treated with hormones and antibiotics as well as all genetically modified foods. Already feeling better!

  104. I don’t make New Year resolutions

  105. Corey Olomon says

    To spend more time with my kids.

  106. I don’t make New Year resolutions because I never keep them.

  107. I am trying to do something active every day…it’s hard!

  108. Eating healthy and exercising everyday 🙂

  109. i resolve to not make any resolutions

  110. Leah Shumack says

    I was able to lose and keep off 30 pounds last year and would love to do the same thing this year

  111. Wayne Lecoy says

    Please Enter Me In Your Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Towel Combination Giveaway
    In Response To Your Question Of What Is The Number One
    New Year’s Resolution You Hope To Keep Going All Year?
    I Used To Make New Year’s Resolutions But I Never Followed Through On Them
    So I Stopped Making Them.
    Thank You For Having This Giveaway!!!!!!!!

  112. kimberly bhatti says

    eating healthy

  113. Angela Cash says

    My resolution is to use my bike for transportation whenever possible instead of driving the car.

  114. Carole Ingram says

    Lose 30 to 40 lbs! 🙂

  115. Be kind to myself and others

  116. I vow to exercise more!

  117. Sarah Hayes says

    i want to get and stay in shape

  118. I don’t make resolutions.

  119. I hope to keep losing weight and eating healthier and I hope to cook healthier meals for my family. 🙂

  120. The NY resolution I hope to keep is to quit smoking.


  1. […] am giving away an Aurorae Northern Lights Yoga Mat! Be sure to enter and cross one item off your must have list and get started today! Filed […]

  2. […] Grandma Juice has a Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Microfiber Towel Combo Set […]