Deck The Halls With… Tape! It’ll Be Fun & Festive. I Promise

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Deck The Halls With… Tape

Yep! Deck The Halls With Duck® Brand! Have you seen how cool this stuff is now? Definitely not your dad’s tape! Although, I suppose it could still hold your sneakers together, make a wallet, throw together a super prom dress, and probably be a make-shift window if yours is busted out in the car.

Let’s Deck The Halls, With Tape!

Deck The Halls

Only now, it’s going to be way more festive! Right now, I’m really loving that cute gingerbread man pattern! I think it will be really cute to help with all the holiday decorating too. Maybe, wrap it around the staircase banner or fireplace mantel as garland? What do you think?

Wrapping presents will be way cooler than plain, clear tape using these patterned rolls, don’t you think? You can probably do a few Google searches and find some handmade gift bags and boxes, which would be even better! I saw a really sweet and easy tutorial online using tape to make some tape flowers. I really have that on my list of things to do with the kiddo once school is out. Very cool!

When we were younger, my dad used tape for pretty much everything. I wasn’t kidding about the wallet or the  busted out car window at all, either! I may have been exaggerating about the prom dress. But really, I’m thinking that it wouldn’t be the least bit embarrassing if we would have had these awesome designs to go along with it back then.

Also, I wonder if Santa himself could use this to spruce up the old sleigh a bit? Just a thought. He can find it at any major retailer, like Target!

You should go and ‘Like’ Duck® Brand on Facebook and see what kinds of things you can come up with!


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  1. sharon cowles says

    Silly Girl… a gal can never get enough duct tape…LOL.. I’ve seen some crazy designs lately on duct tape… skull cross bones… smiley faces…now why have they been making that ugly grey crap when they could have done this sooner.. I am envisioning the next time I need a quick fix on my water hose out side.. (until I find time to buy a new one)..I just may wait a few extra days…. cause it’s so cute… kinda like a cartoon band aid….LOL

  2. How cool! This looks fun and I think I need some to do my present wrapping tonight!

  3. I think we should make our own formal attire for our trip down the red carpet!

  4. I could totally see this being turned into an awesome wreath for the door. So many possibilities!

  5. I love the snowman print! I have wanted to start crafting with duck tape, but just haven’t had the time.