This post brought to you by Mrs. Smith’s . All opinions are 100% mine.
Mrs. Smith’s Pies – Stop Baking, I’m Giving You One!
Hey! What do ya know! It’s that time of year again! You know, where you spend all day in the kitchen. Cooking, baking and slaving away to show your friends and family how much you care. And then they leave all the dishes for you to do? That! I’ve got a little cheat. And a really tasty cheat at that! Mrs. Smith’s pies!! From freezer to warm, yummy goodness in 30 minutes And, not a single extra dish to wash, either!
There’s a flavor for every pie lover! Dutch Apple, Pumpkin, Coconut Custard, and a ton more. We picked the Mrs. Smith’s Deep Dish Peach with Cream Cheese Icing pie.
Yeah, it was very yummy! And, if you keep reading, I’m going to give you one of any flavor Mrs. Smith’s Pies has to offer to keep you out f the kitchen just a little bit! First, check this out!
If you log onto to the Mrs. Smith’s Pies website you can now send a really cool holiday e-card to someone special. Maybe a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, your mother-in-law who you need to earn some bonus brownie points with. Just put a smile on someone’s face! It’s always awesome to open your inbox to find a nice e-card rather than spam, right? Also! Both the sender AND the receiver of those cool e-cards will get a coupon for… A FREE PIE!! See, Win / Win!
To keep in the spirit of this giving season, when you purchase any of Mrs. Smith’s Pies you are helping to spread the holiday cheer! For every pie sold in November and December, Mrs. Smith’s Pies will donate $1 to Operation Homefront. Again, Win / Win!
Ok, here’s more Win / Win! I’m going to giveaway 1 of any flavor of Mrs. Smith’s Pies! I know!! We are just full of giving and Win / Win today! Here’s what I need you to do…
Click on the Mrs. Smith’s pies website. In the comments section, tell me which pie you’d want to win and why. I will draw a winner via Random.Org on 12/14. Winner will receive a coupon for 1 FREE PIE and a $20 donation to Operation Homefront will be made in your name. Now how are you going to let that pass you buy? Win free pie, give to charity. Isn’t that what this season is really about? Not all those dirty piled up dishes, that’s for sure!
This contest is now closed. Congrats to Sylvia R. on the great WIN! We hope you enjoy your Mrs. Smith’s Pies!
Oh yummy! That our looks great and what a great thing for them to do. I like to bake lemon merengue pies but anything else is a lot of work.
I’d like to try Signature Deep Dish Pumpkin Pie with Cream Cheese Icing. Pumpkin pie is always my favorite for holiday season
I’d love a good old fashioned fruit pie like the cherry or apple. They are my favorite and would be great for Christmas.
Looks delicious!!
That looks DELICIOUS!! Who doesn’t LOVE pie?
I love free pie!
oh my how yummyyy!
Just pulled one of these out of the oven. Yum!
I love pies. I think apple is my fave or a lemon meringue.
I love Mrs. Smith’s Pies and one of my favorites is Apple
MRS. SMITH’S® Signature Deep Dish Cherry Pie
i can name only one? ok….
Classic Apple Pie
That looks and sounds so good right now. I’ll take a dutch apple pie please!
I want to try the Signature Deep Dish Pumpkin Pie with Cream Cheese Icing, because it just sounds so holiday-ee 🙂 Thanks for the tasty giveaway!
I’d love the MRS. SMITH’S® Signature Deep Dish Cherry Pie with Butter Fudge Sauce!
Yum!! This looks wonderful.
I’d really like the Mince pie! I know, I know, everybody hates this kind. For me it brings back childhood and old memories of my mom baking mince pies for Christmas
The Dutch Apple Pie with Caramel Sauce sounds so darn good!!!
I think the Dutch Apple Pie would be great for Christmas. Actually, I love all of her pies.
This looks yummy!!! Definitely got to try it
The cherry pie sounds amazing because I love cherry! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love the deep dish cherry – because not only is it delicious but so patriotic! A reminder of our men and women overseas…
apple pie cuz it is the best!!
i would like the dutch apple mmm
Dutch Apple Pie because that’s my favorite. Thank you for the giveaway!
That looks like a great pie! I am going to have to be on the lookout for those!
Oooh ….the Classic Dutch Apple Pie please! Thank you!
It would be the Blueberry Pie all the way. I love all things Blueberry and I have never had a Blueberry pie before. Sounds so amazing!!
I’d love to try the Pre-Baked Coconut Custard Pie as we love Coconut Custard Pie and have never tried the Pre-Baked one. It would be great for the upcoming holidays.
Oh Delicious!!! I want the dutch apple or the coconut custard! Wow. I love pie! lol.
I haven’t tried these pies yet, because in our town they are expensive!! But I always stop and drool over them in the freezer section. lol.
I’d like to try the peach pie, because I love peach and I’ve never tried this.
I’d probably do blueberry as I haven’t had one in a long time.
Signature Deep Dish Dutch Apple Pie with Caramel Sauce. I love dutch apple and the caramel sauce sounds awesome!
Yum! I am looking forward to trying these pies!!
I;’d like the Signature Deep Dish Peach Pie with Cream cheese icing! I love peach pie and this seems like it would really hit the spot!
Well it’s a toss up between cocoanut or classic pumpkin. I like coconut and the rest of the family does not…. a whole pie 😉
I’d like the dutch apple pie.
Looks deelish!!! Apple Pie is my absolute fav from Mrs. Smith. Great giveaway!
Coconut Custard Pie…hmmmmm
Cherry Pie because Red is always the best flavor!
signature deep dish apple pie with caramel sauce…mmmmm
Dutch Apple with Caramel Sauce. mmm
Dutch Apple Pie is my favorite. #yummy
I would choose the Dutch Apple Pie!!
I would love to win the Blackberry Cobbler! It sounds amazing!
Pumpkin Pie with Cream Cheese Icing because it sounds delicious.
Dutch Apple Pie because it’s always been my fav!!
I want a classic mince pie. Haven’t had one in ages… love the raisins.. drizzle some rum sauce
blackberry cobbler. i’m a southern girl