Party Like a Rock Star? Easy Tips to Prevent and Cure a Hangover {Guest Post}

cure a hangover

Easy Tips to Prevent and Cure a Hangover

It’s that time of year again! Or, it’s just a Saturday night… You need to cure a hangover! What to do in the morning when you find your head is splitting, your mouth is dry and the room is spinning? When it comes to giving tips on how to prevent and cure a  hangover; prevention is the best route to take – ya know, not drinking at all. (what???) But you don’t always know when you’re going to run into some party pals, go out and end up absolutely wasted, do you? “Just one more shot” does it for me. Every. Time. Because, why not?

Since I don’t always even listen to my own advice, you can also prevent the hangover by drinking some Gatorade beforehand. I’ve *heard* that Lemon-Lime flavor is best. It won’t stain if your efforts fail and you end up on the floor hugging the porcelain throne. Get a big bottle of it, and leave some by your pillow as well. You’re going to need it in the morning. If you don’t have Gatorade, using the kiddo’s Pedialyte is said to work just as well. You also know never to drink on an empty stomach, right? Worst thing ever! Well, besides drinking too much, of course.

Prevent and cure a hangover – it’s all the same thing!  Replacing those lost electrolytes (dehydration) and cleaning out the toxins excess alcohol leaves behind! (alcohol works faster than your metabolism)

Another great way to prevent a hangover (or so they say) is to take two Tums about an hour before you start drinking. If you can’t prevent the hangover, you’re gonna have to nurse it to cure it. Remember that Gatorade sitting by your bed? Start drinking that in the morning when you wake up. Before your feet even hit the floor! Next, pop a few ibuprofen and plan to take a short nap a little while later.

Find more great tips to prevent and cure a hangover here! Mixing different forms of alcohol can be a killer!

Don’t sleep all day! I know you’ll want to, but you won’t be doing yourself any favors. Start out by eating a small breakfast (full of protein and carbs) and then go for a short walk. The thought of taking a brisk walk around the block a few times is sure to make you cringe when your head is pounding like a bass drum, but it will help. I promise.  Exercise raises your metabolism, which goes a long way in clearing out the alcohol toxins your rock-star self told you to drink. Oh! And, bring a bottle of water along! The major key to prevent and cure a hangover is getting and staying hydrated.

We all know that queasy feeling and not being interested in eating or drinking, but you need to do it! Your body will be thankful and your hangover time will be shortened – a ton! Some experts (other rock stars?) recommend 2 Ibuprofen (never acetaminophen) and a piece of bread as the “magic” breakfast. But, I highly suggest a few eggs instead. They are packed with protein. You need to replenish the nutrients you lost due to the alcohol consumption.

The Danger of Mixing Tylenol and Alcohol

One last resort trick you could try, is drinking pickle juice! I know, it sounds kinda gross and completely unscientific in every way. But, my mom totally swears by it as a way to prevent and cure a hangover! Let’s just say that judging by how much she used to drink *back in the day* I’ll just take her word for it! Love you mom!

Hair of The Dog – Folk Remedies Used To Prevent and Cure a Hangover

Everybody is different and every body reacts different. All kidding aside, know your limits and if you’re going to indulge this holiday (or Saturday) please do so responsibly! Arrange for a designated driver! Friends don’t let friends drive drunk! Even buzzed driving is drunk driving! Never get behind the wheel after drinking. There is no cure for dead….

What’s your best remedy to cure a hangover?

Sadie is a controversial mom blogger that loves helping others solve problems – from curing hangovers to teaching you how to cook tofu, she’s got it all covered! Follow her on Facebook for more shenanigans!


  1. The Gatorade is a HUGE help! I usually down two huge glasses of water before bed too.

  2. I usually try to balance out each drink with some water – it seems to help the next day. I do like the Gatorade trick though. Great post!

  3. Thank you for the great tips.. Pickle juice.. yuck..LOL

  4. Great tips! Don’t think I’ll need them this year but I’ll pass them on to friends that do!

  5. Genius! While I don’t drink often, I do like to enjoy myself once or twice a year with friends.

  6. Thankfully I don’t get hangovers anymore but when I did….oh the horror!

  7. I’m not much of a drinker, so I’m glad I will not need these tips…I’m sure there are many people who would find them useful though! Happy New Year to all!

  8. Luckily I have never really been hungover….my husband, on the other hand LOL I will share these tips with him!

  9. Genius, I dont drink often and i usually never get a hang over but i will be sharing this with my friends.

  10. When my friends and I used to go clubbing, we used to always make sure to eat a sausage biscuit and drink orange juice the next morning {since we generally had to work Saturday mornings} to help with hangovers. It always helped. I read about it in Cosmo magazine. Apparently the orange juice and sausage biscuit combo help with the dehydration and soak up the alcohol! 🙂

    Happy drinking, my friends!


  11. I have a 2 drink limit, but imagine these tips would come in handy for some folks.

  12. You know me – these are tips that I need, lol 🙂

  13. Great tips. I really don’t need them, but I nurse the hubby some times 🙂

  14. Awesome tips! Going to send this to my brother in laws!

  15. Let’s hear it for hair of the dog!

  16. A bottle of water and ibuprofen or advil before going to bed on the night you are drinking. Makes all the difference in the world. When I used to drink I made sure to not miss this step every night that I imbibed. I was never hungover and was always fresh as a dove the next morning.

  17. Nancy Surget says

    If you and your stomach can take spicy food you can have some spicy food in the morning; enough to make you sweat and your nose runny. I guarantee the headache will be gone, and you will be much more energized after your spicy meal.

  18. Ash Johnson says

    I’ve heard a glass of water between each alcoholic drink.

  19. I don’t drink but know plenty of people who do so I will share these great tips!! Thanks!

  20. Aimee Correa says

    I laughed so hard, I used to drink pickle juice just because I liked it 🙂 My tip is to eat of course, always follow the old rule…”Liquor before beer your in the clear, beer before liquor never been sicker” and take ibuprofen with big glass of water before bed. If all else fails….TACO BELL. My hangover cure food, love it!

  21. My best cure is to not get one in the first place! If I know I’ll be drinking I make sure to drink a lot of water before I go out, then I make sure to always have a glass of water with me while I’m drinking and I drink that along with the alcohol (don’t worry, I don’t mix them)

  22. Sacha Schroeder says

    Perfect post for the upcoming new year!

  23. What I do is drink water while drinking alcohol and I take 2 ibuprofen in the middle of drinking. also try not to drink on an empty stomach and have someone to remind you what your limit is. for example me, if i go over 2 glasses of wine I’ll be hurting hte next day 🙂 Thanks for the helpful post 🙂

  24. In the good ole days you name it I tried it and nothing ever worked. The only thing i found to work was sleep and time. I’m talking the dry heaves kinda hung over. I don’t miss those days. I’d rather be the DND and laugh at the drunks. It’s that much more fun and no hang over. if you drop them off at the wrong house I promise you’ll get a great laugh out of it hehe. The Gatorade trick just might of worked but I’m not going to over indulge to find out lol.

  25. I never really drank so much to get a hangover but I know a few people who would benefit from this article 🙂

  26. The things I wish I knew when I was young!

  27. I have always had lots of water to drink in between my other beverages and it helps a lot.

  28. How about not drinking to excess in the first place!

  29. barbara remaly hart says

    Wow, I didn’t know this thanks for the tip.

  30. Great tips, I don’t typically get hangovers but I know some people I will share this with.
    Diana S

  31. Great tips! I don’t really have any cures myself, I’ve heard that having a glass of water for every drink you have will keep you hydrated and not cause a hangover, but I’ve never actually tried it out.

  32. Carmen Van Deursen says

    I try not to drink just to avoid getting a hangover.

  33. These are great tips, although I don’t drink! I love the ecard. So funny 🙂

  34. Jennifer Holovack says

    I have heard the pickle juice thing! I have a friend who swears by it lol!

  35. Kelly Tanner says

    I will have to try a few of these hangover cures once I am able to drink again. I am pregnant with #3 at the moment lol. But my husband could use these cures every once in a while. He can be my guinea pig. 😀

  36. great tips – i always try to drink a lot of water throughout the evening

  37. Whoooooo hangovers! I remember how awful those were, I wish I would have had these tips then, haha!

  38. I don’t drink but I will pass along your tips to a couple of friends of mine. Thanks for sharing,

  39. I use to party like a rockstar. These tips would have been so handy. 🙂 Now, I drink water, coffee or tea. I feel grand in the morning too. 🙂

  40. Michelle F. says

    Great tips.

  41. great post, I never drank pickle juice, but a pickle in the morning as first food helped me 🙂

  42. Wish I’d leanred the ropes when I was drinking when I wa a kid!

  43. hmmm, should have read these before new years eve

  44. natalie nichols says

    I’ll be sure to bring my flask of pickle juice the next time I go out.

  45. I have cut down drinking a lot these past few years, but these are some good tips that I can share with my friends, so thank you! 🙂

  46. Thanks for the tips, don’t think I could do the pickle juice but I will try the Gatorade next time.

  47. some great ideas… luckily I didn’t need them, don’t drink often…

  48. Heather Stokes says

    Great ideas! It never dawned on me to drink pedialyte. I’m not a Gatorade fan, so I know that won’t work for me. Thanks for the post! 🙂

  49. I’ve never heard the Gatorade tip before! Live and learn, hmm? 😉

  50. kimberly bhatti says

    wow pretty neat!

  51. Nikkie Cossairt says

    I used to know the feeling. I haven’t over indulged in since 4th of July 2010. I had the time of my life while it was happening, but afterwards omg. Thought I was gonna die. Thanks for all the tips. I will be passing them on to those who will use them with pleasure!


  1. Party Like A Rockstar…

    […] is pounding like a bass drum, but it will help. I promise.  Exercise raises you […]…

  2. […] Rockstar! Drink too much? Try these super great Hang Over Cures I put together for you! I know! I totally think of everything! You’re […]

  3. […] And then, in the morning, when you wake up with that slight ‘Oh Mylanta, we drank too much last night” feeling. You’ve got those egg whites and some rockin’ Gevalia coffee to make things all better! Also, I’ve got some pretty good hang-over cures all typed out from New Year’s Eve just in case you girls partied like a Rockstar. […]