The Fairy Hobmother I Do Believe, I Do Believe, I Do!

 Fairy Hobmother

The Fairy Hobmother I Do Believe, I Do Believe, I Do!

The Fairy Hobmother? What??!!

If you’ve ever been blog hopping, you’ve no doubt run across this elusive little guy called The Fairy Hobmother.  (Yes, the Fairy Hobmother is a he) I have been chasing this guy all over the ‘net for probably close to a year. Well, finally, he noticed me!

A few days ago I received an e-mail from this awesome fairy complementing me on my awesome sauce blog!  Here’s what he says:

I must say I’m very impressed, you clearly work very hard on your site and I think that such hard work deserves a reward. I’d like to send you a gift in the form of a $50 Amazon voucher to do with as you please.

Seriously, how cool is that? It was a really nice email to wake up to!  The Fairy Hobmother was finally reading my blog!! And, he totally digs Grandma Juice. Well, don’t we all love Grandma Juice? I wonder if he drinks wine? We could hang out. Pour a nice glass, pop over to Pinterest and look at cute cat photos. Or!! We could fly around the ‘net, sprinkling it with sparkly fairy dust and leaving all kinds of love. Maybe, he has some sort of sparkly dust stuff hidden away that would save me from my crazy family? Wait, that would be duct tape and wine, huh?

It would also be totally cool if he could hook me up with a laundry fairy that would round up all our dirty clothes,  throw them in the washer, toss them in the dryer before they get all stinky and moldy smelling, fold them and put them in the dresser drawers and not stacked up on the bed! Clearly, it makes total sense that they too exist, right? I bet they are all sitting around on Saturday nights, playing poker and dissin’ on those girly fairies! Those chicks ain’t got nothing on my guy, The Fairy Hobmother!

I Do Believe, I Do Believe, I Do! And, if  you didn’t believe in fairies before, now is the time to start!

How To Get The Fairy Hobmother To Visit You

If you’d like The Fairy Hobmother to pay you a little visit, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post! I suggest kissing ass and telling him how awesome he looks in tights. But that’s just me. Maybe, if you’re super lucky (or a good ass kisser)  he will pop on over to your blog and share some sweet fairy love too!

Do you believe in fairies?


  1. I’d like to think I’m a good ass kisser. Come on over, Fairy Hobmother!

  2. Oh I do, I do believe in Fairies. I would love for you to come sprinkle some awesomeness on my site. I would consider that far more awesome then a visit from Santa

  3. Well here’s hoping I’m super lucky then 🙂 I definitely believe in fairies! I do! I do!

  4. I’m not one for a man in tights, really… but I can pretend for an evening if necessary. 😉

    It’s awesome that you got a visit! I’ve heard of this all around the blogosphere but have never seen it happen to one of my friends. Congrats!!

  5. Now while I’m not sure if I believe in fairies, I do believe in the Fairy Hobmother, I have seen him at work around the blogasepher and how he helps bloggers and I would love it if he would stop by for a short visit an sprinkle his dairy dust for good luck on my blog. Have great day and thanks for sharing!

  6. frontporchreviews says

    Men in tights – I love to see that. It’s almost as good as seeing a man in a skirt especially if he’s playing bag pipes. 🙂

  7. I absolutely believe in fairies! Especially ones with such a great ass in sexy little tights! 🙂

  8. HOLY SMOKES!!! this is the first time I am hearing about this! Fairies most certainly DO exist and they are stinking awesome! He looks like a great dancer!! Just sayin’

    Congrats to you!!! So now the question is are you keeping it for you (which I think you should) or putting it back into your blog?

  9. WOW, what a honor this must have been for you. I have heard of this Awesome Fairy Hobmother for quite sometimes. Its so beautiful that he visit blogs to show some love. He’s welcome to visit my blog anytime. We welcome him with open arms. !!!

  10. My daughter sees fairies all the time, so maybe he’ll visit us!

  11. I had my first run in with a fairy at Walmart as she was leaving coupons for others to find! Who knew there were so many fairies in the world. I would love to me this elusive fairy you claim exists as I hear great stories told but just can’t seem to catch up with him.

  12. I have been chasing the Fairy Hobmother all over the net for close to a year too. I believe in fairies!! He is welcome to visit me and sprinkle around any fairy dust he chooses. 🙂

  13. shonnalahnac says

    Hey Ronnie…..Did this guy take off with my cleaning fairy maria?? I ask cause I have noticed that my household chores dont seem to be getting done…the kids blame the dog…I am thinking this fairy Hobmother might be involved somehow…cause we all know my teen would NEVER skimp on their chores and expect an allowance…right??

  14. Hey, this menopausal crazy lady could use a visit for the Fairy Hobmother. Anything to help a crazy lady out.

  15. I totally believe in fairies…and hey, if you find that laundry fairy, I need one, like last week!!

  16. what a great surprise this was for you. When you get contact info for all those fairies you are looking for send them this way. I could use a carpool fairy while you are looking:)

  17. I definitely believe in faeries! I’d love for you to come visit me on my blog You look great fairy hobmother! Hope to see you soon!

  18. shaunatorres says

    Wow… I am so very jealous… I love, love, love the Fairy Hobmother… He is so much fun to chase around and I love how generous he is! Would be so amazingly psyched if he visited

  19. What an amazing thing The Fairy Hobmother does for others. As the new sole-owner of my site, I would love for them to stop by and pay me a visit 🙂

  20. The Fairy Hobmother is very hot and I would LOVE a visit from him! <3

  21. I can kiss ass with the best of them! 😀 I’ve seen the Fairy all over the place lately. Great post!

  22. Awe fairy hobmother I would be honored if you would visit my site and take a look around! Your a very special fairy to be sharing your kindness with everyone! I just started my blog in november after my co owner kicked me aside because she didn’t want to share anymore :/ please let me know what you think! i can always use suggestions! Thank u oh so very much and god bless!

  23. “Smooooooootch” see, now that’s a kiss 🙂 The Fairy Hobmother can visit me anytime 🙂

  24. Dianna Thomas says

    Well, you sure are great looking in those tights–what a HUNK!–The things dreams are made of–Never seen a Fairy,sure hope to see one–and this is attempt to Kiss what ever is needed to be kissing where ever and when ever, always and forever

  25. I believe in fairies, fae, sidhe, anything you want to call them. I would love the chance to meet the Fairy Hobmother 🙂

  26. I still wait for this generous Fairy to visit. I am in a house of boys and they laugh at fairies. Fairies are for girls they say. Well, if this fairy visits me the Amazon card will not be spent on the Non believers! Mommy gets to keep it because Mommy believes and I still deny EVER leaving money for all those lost teeth ” Ummm… not sure who did?”

  27. calichristy2 says

    My daughter loves fairies,jus peak at her room, i think he would be impressed by a tour maybe rekindle some ol fairy romance 🙂

  28. Love the Fairy Hobmother! Not so sure how I feel about men in tights, but hey, the little guy above looks pretty darn cute! Congrats on your visit! I would love it if he would visit me sometime!

  29. I believe in fairies and unicorns. I’m not the best at ass kissing but if the Fairy Hobmother gave me a visit I’d make him cupcakes & homemade lemonade. Because that’s how I roll.

  30. Ohhh I’ve been wanting his attention for so long!! I do say I love a man in tights!

  31. I do believe in Fairies!

    Come on over Mr. Fairy Hobmother. 🙂

  32. I don’t think my comment posted…but I do love a man in tights! And green looks fab-u-lous! 🙂

    Come by and say hi!

  33. I believe, I believe, I believe – PLEASE come visit me! All three of my children believe in fairies, and so do I! 🙂 A Mom Having Fun I could use some fairy dust. 🙂

  34. Congratulations! I would love to get one of those awesome emails, since most of my giveaways are self sponsored …… I could continue to “share” more and more with my readers. I just love finding blogs that have been “visited” – I know the Fairy Hobmother makes those bloggers feel soooooo appreciated for all their hard work. (Not that they dont feel appreciated by their readers mind you – It’s just another pat on the back that they are “doing good”)

  35. Nope, but I am leaving my website anyways!! 🙂

  36. I would love to be visited by the fairy…please some visit me Fairy Hobmother!

  37. How cool is that! Drinking wine with the Fairy Hobmother and looking at Pinterest sounds like a pretty fun evening.

  38. I actually had never heard of him before. How wonderful to receive a visit!

  39. I have seen him all over and I would love to see him visit my blog at

    I love that he is a dude 🙂 And boy, those tights look smashing 🙂
    Ii believe in fairies! I do! I do!

  40. I’ve always believed in fairies! When my son told me he thought the tooth fairy was fake, I said “every time you say that, a fairy dies! Now clap your hands and say I do believe!” He started clapping pretty fast, just in case, lol. I would love a visit from the Fairy Hobmother. I am saving up for a new camera so I can take better pictures for my site. If he’s in the mood, he can visit and take a look around.

  41. dedezoomsalot says

    Fairy dust is always a wonderful surprise! Congrats 🙂

  42. Congratulations!!! Definitely well-deserved 🙂 I now have a picture of a guy in tights sipping wine with cats running all over the place…LOL!

    Would love if he’d pop over to Divas With A Purpose sometime to spread some love!

  43. Such a cute little graphic. I love this idea and thinks it’s so sweet!

  44. Now that’s a great way to start the day! Forget Santa, give me the Fairy Hobmother ANYTIME! 🙂 If this beautiful gal needs a place to visit, be sure to stop by for a nice, warm welcome! 🙂

  45. What a great surprise for you 🙂 I believe in fairies too, and kissing lol If he has time, we’d love a visit at Minding Spot. Nothing wrong with wine, fairies and pinterest!

  46. You crack me up! I would love a visit from the Fairy Hobmother to About A Mom. We need all the fairy magic we can get!

  47. Fairy Hobmother, I need some books! Come visit my blog, you’ll love it!

  48. Oh how awesome!!! I would love a visit from the Fairy Hobmother. I am a huge believer in fairies so come on over and we can sit and have some tea! :0)

  49. It would be awesome if you visited my blog. I ADORE men in tights

  50. The Fairy Hobmother is most definitely real, though I have not seen it with my own eyes in my inbox yet, I have faith that it will happen soon for me too! I however, have seen him do very encouraging things with bloggers I know and see how much it makes a difference for them and even becomes an extra spark of motivation in their blogging when they know someone acknowledges their hard work!

  51. Dearest Fairy Hobmother, AlyGators is a super new blog and we could really use some of your fairy dust our way! We are starting off strong with some incredible giveaways coming up so be sure to come by for a sweeping visit. 🙂

  52. I would love a visit from the Fairy Hobmother to Star Focal! We could always use some fairy dust, and I do love my fairies!!! 🙂

  53. I love this idea! Fairies are magical!
    Onescrappymom@gmail .com

  54. Oh how nice. I have never heard of the fairy hob mother. How fun. How sweet and nice of him to share some love to you.

    BTW: Real men wear tights! 😉

    If you get a laundry fairy, send them to me please. Along with some wine.

  55. The Fairy Hobmother sounds like a pretty cool dude. I’d love to share a beer with him (Or do fairies drink ale?) and have him come visit my daddy blog at!

  56. I actually like the heart belt buckle best, but that’s just me!

  57. Congrats on your visit!

  58. Glad to see the Fairy Hobmother is out and about again. Congrats on a fun visit.


  59. He seems like a pretty awesome guy. I dig it. You are cordially invited (ack too much wedding planning!) to my page. I’d love to have you visit.

  60. I don’t know, I’ve never kissed fairy ass before, but I’ll give it a shot. x x x x x
    Did it work?

  61. That is very cool! I need a visit from this kind of fairy! A fairy for Bloggers. That is great. Congrats!

  62. I totally believe in the Sexy Fairy Hobmother! He’s a foxy little guy with those wings, and those tights…I can only imagine…well, I won’t go there, but what a hottie! I’d love it if he’d stop by my blog as well for a drink or two (once I send the kids out to play, that is).

  63. I would love a visit on my site!

  64. well i hope everyone gets a chance

  65. I believe in fairies too, even the boy fairies! I would love a visit from this magical man!

  66. Fairy Hobmother, you are one hot dude! I would LOVE a visit from you!

  67. I am not exactly sure who or what the Fairy Hobmother is, however, I will never complain about meeting mythical creatures (especially those that look good in tights). Online or not, I think that the wondrous and magical can be a great help to us all.

  68. I love when the Fairy Hobmother starts making visits again because he gets all the ladies hotter than Christian Grey and Johnny Depp put together! It is so fun to watch everyone get spoiled! I hope he will pop over to Dishin’ With Rebelle, not just to leave a gift, but to also dish about what kind of food Fairies eat and what is the most amazing meal he has ever had! Now that would truly be some awesome sauce!

  69. Dear Fairy Hobmother,
    Boogerhead says please visit our blog. She is a princess in need of a prince. And apparently she thinks you can give her one. By the way…she’s 5. Don’t break her little heart. She works hard on the blog!

  70. I have so been wanting a visit forever..Please Fairy Hobmother come and visit me. I hope you are doing great. Have I told you lately how great you look in tights. I would love for you to stop by my blog and maybe we can get have a drink of wine and hangout for a while.

  71. I need some magic wand action from the Fairy Hobmother! His hair-do is rocking and that’s a perfect shade of Pantone emerald pants, perfectly aligned for this seasons fashions! lol

  72. loves fairies 🙂

  73. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! I would love a little magic touch from you!! Thank you so much for giving all these bloggers a little specail! Feel free to stop by : !! Thanks again for all you do!! Jacqui

  74. Congratulations! I’ve never heard of this mysterious man in tights until now! It takes a super sexy confident man to pull off the tights! I’d love a visit and some lovin’ over at my blog! <3

  75. I love fairies! I can’t tell you how much a visit from the fairy would bring a little magic!

  76. Lucky! I keep hoping, but no luck! Congrats! You deserve it totally!

  77. I think the Fairy Hobmother looks totally awesome in tights! LOL! Just kidding (or am I?).

    I think this is a lot of fun and I love what the Fairy Hobmother is doing, especially for deserving people. Who wouldn’t want a suprirse visit (and wonderful gift)? What a great way to make someone’s day. It really makes my heart smile.

    Maybe the fairy dust will blow my way. 🙂

  78. too awesome 🙂 I love this!

  79. I think the right man can look great in tights and the fairy hobmother is obviously the right man!! Stop by and say hi!!

  80. Being a fairy is great..I like to be a coupon fairy in the store, a helpful fairy by passing on household goods, clothing and toys we no longer need to those who do. Especially when those items have been gifted to us from other fairies. So I think it is awesome that the fairy hobmother likes to pay it forward too! Be sure to hop on by and say hi!

  81. What’s a fairy without tights?? Tights are becoming very popular these days!! I would live to have a little “fairy action” on my blog!! Hope to hear from you soon…


  82. Of course fairies are real. Tinker Bell is a fairy, and I love her! I’d love to get to know the Fairy Hobmother.

  83. Ok, this is the first time I’ve heard of this…. and it sounds AWESOME! Congrats on having the fairy hobmother find you, I’ve love if he’d visit me, too! 🙂

  84. Now I am hearing in my head, “They’re men….they’re men in tights…tight tights!….” lol Maybe because everything becomes a song or movie reference with my hubby, it’s rubbing off on me. 😉 -Rachel at Titus 2 Homemaker

  85. I am jealous in a totally happy for you kind of way. You are the second blogger I actually kind of know who has garnered a visit from the fairy hobmother! Congrats. I don’t know why I have this thing for men in tights….

  86. This magical man visited me some time ago…what a wonderful time we had. *sigh*

  87. I actually am the opposite of a good butt-kisser, but I would still love a little Fairy Hobmother love over here in the ‘Ville! And congrats on your visit 🙂

  88. How very fun! Congrats!

  89. LOL @ drinking wine and looking at cat photos on pinterest. Sounds like my life!

  90. I have never heard of the Fairy Hobmother, but it’s disturbing that a ‘he’ runs w/the word ‘mother’ in his moniker. Still, free Amazon cash and recognition are dandy. ‘Grats!

  91. , I believe! And my man wears tights all the time!

  92. I LOVE the Fairy Hobmother as he’s visited me before.

  93. I have bit of a love affair with fairies myself, I’ve even used them to decorate both of my blogs!

  94. I believe in all the good Fairy Hobmother!!! He’ll sprinkle me with fairy dust and say I am loved and appreciated hehe 😉

  95. Clap, Clap, Clap I DO believe in fairies! I do! And my baby girl just learned how to say fairy.

    Btw, I’d love to see fairyhobmother in tights. Men in Tights is one of my fave movies!

  96. Both of my kids were visited by the tooth fairy this week and I am feeling a little left out! A visit from the Fairy Hobmother is just what I need – and I think my kids would get a kick out of seeing the cute littel guy in green that came to visit me 😉

  97. May the good fairy smile my way once or twice 🙂

  98. I wonder if he likes to shoot Gentleman Jack like I do.

  99. Congrats! I def believe in fairies

  100. I believe, I believe!! I have this vision: I am like the donkey in Shrek…bouncing up, bouncing up
    over the rest of the characters…pick me, pick me!! LOL

  101. Awesome.. congrats! I waited and waited last year for a visit from the Fairy Hobmother, but alas.. no luck! I still think he ROCKS though!!

  102. To believe means there was once a doubt- I’ve NEVER doubted the existence of fairies. Of course there are magical creatures in the Universe, how else would you explain the existence of café? ; ) BB2U and let the Fairy Hobmother know BB’s got him his own Babushka hat and fan. Oh si, Babushka will stoop to bribery; I’ve had 3 kids and do it very well.

  103. I Love the Hobmother fairy! And yes, he definitely looks smashing in his awesome tights! I think they are just awesome for visiting fellow bloggers like this! Congrats on your visit!

  104. I’d love a visit from the Fairy Hobmother.
    I’d also love to find a laundry fairy too!

  105. My favorite thing about the Fairy Hobmother is the endless kindness and generousity. It shows that there are people out there who realize the simplest things make a difference. 🙂

  106. The Fairy Hobmother is such an amazing individual and the most fabulous fairy in the blogospeare! I would love to him to pay me a little visit as I’d love to chat with him as to where he got that fabulous green heart belt! Love it!

  107. amandavrtis says

    Fairys are a big hit in this house! With 4 children we like anything magical <3 We would love to see you over at You'll get loads of love from the kiddos!

  108. Karen Lynn says

    What a wonderful surprise, enjoy and congrats!