Baked Chicken Fingers & Homemade Mac and Cheese You’re Welcome!

Baked Chicken Fingers & Homemade Mac and Cheese You’re Welcome! Since our weather here in Vegas has cooled off a bit (like cooled off from *118 to a balmy *105) I decided it might be OK to hop off the grill and crank on the oven. And, since you all may think every recipe we […]

Cool Shit I Found On The Internet – July 2013 Edition

  Cool Shit I Found On The Internet – July 2013 Edition Yep! It’s time for another wildly popular edition of ‘Best Shit I Found On The Internet’. You know you love it. This is the July 2013 edition, enjoy! We’re down to the last 3 weeks of Summer break, and all of this quality  quantity […]

Shenanigans: Pirate Treasure Hunt and Pirate Party It Totally Happened

Shenanigans: Pirate Treasure Hunt & Pirate Party It Totally Happened And if’n ya don’t fancy that, ye can walk that thar plank landlubber. (I imagine Johnny Depp saying that in his smexy pirate voice) Here’s how the Pirate Treasure Hunt went down…. Ahoy Matey! I was tasked with getting Ethan to unplug from all electronics […]

Spicy Bourbon BBQ Chicken Another Boozey Recipe, You’re Welcome

Spicy Bourbon BBQ Chicken Another Boozey Recipe, You’re Welcome Yep, you read that right! Spicy Bourbon BBQ Chicken! And hot damn, was it good too! I mean really, how wrong can ya go with bourbon BBQ and Summer grilling? Right! You can’t. I’m all of a sudden this Food Network addict. All those cooking shows, […]

Stop Telling Me What To Wear To A Blog Conference!

Stop Telling Me What To Wear To A Blog Conference! If I have to read another ‘What To Wear To A Blog Conference‘ post, I may just lose my shit. I don’t need you to tell me. Know why? I’m not going to a blog conference this year. Neither are 1000’s of other very awesome […]

Childhood ADHD Symptoms and Treatments – There Is Help!

I’m happy to write this Childhood ADHD post. It is sponsored  by Childhood ADHD Symptoms and Treatments- There Is Help! Recognize any of these childhood ADHD symptoms? Will you please sit down? Ok, stop talking, time to pay attention now. Little Johnny, please stop tapping the pencil on your desk. You have to sit […]

Random Shit – Because I Can’t Really Think of a Catchy Title

* Disclaimer – All the random shit in this post may be ranty, whiny, bitchy, rambling… who knows. Let’s see what craptastic random shit comes out of my head. Like a gumball machine without the pretty colors and wad stuck to your teeth!* Random Shit – Because I Can’t Really Think of a Catchy Title  […]

The Best Tiramisu Recipe Ever Coffee, Dessert, Friends and Booze Can It Get Any Better?

Thank you to Gevalia and Safeway for sponsoring this Best Tiramisu Recipe. Visit the Safeway website for more information about Gevalia and “Like” Gevalia on Facebook. Best Tiramisu Recipe Ever Coffee, Dessert, Friends and Booze Can It Get Any Better? So, ya know when you’re sitting around chit-chatting with some of your best gal pals laughing, […]

Bacon and Chicken Bowl Recipe with Brown Rice Success Every Time!

Bacon and Chicken Bowl Recipe with Brown Rice Success Every Time! This is Bacon and Chicken Bowl Recipe a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Success® Rice. It’s Summer ya’ll!!! Woot! And yes, it’s hot, hot, hot already here in Vegas in case you’re wondering. Ethan’s got a full dance card of activities, […]

Apple Bourbon BBQ Ribs Recipe Summer Grilling So Fresh & Easy

Thank you to Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market for sponsoring this post. You can find all the ingredients for Apple Bourbon BBQ Ribs and super Summer Grilling ideas by visiting Fresh & Easy’s website or Facebook page for product information, and to find a store near you. Apple Bourbon BBQ Ribs Recipe Summer Grilling So Fresh & […]

Homeless People of Las Vegas… Here’s Your Hush Money God Bless

(Image courtesy of Homeless People of Las Vegas… Here’s Your Hush Money God Bless So, before you start the hate mail… No. I’m not poking at homeless people. Being homeless really sucks. At one point, I slept in my car for a week with 3 small kids. I’m talking about truly Homeless People. Today, […]

Watermelon Margarita Summer’s Best Alcohol Fueled Beverage

(This post was originally published 3/2011) Watermelon Margarita Summer’s Best Alcohol Fueled Beverage Watermelon Margarita is seriously awesome! And since, Grandma Juice is not a particularly picky person (say that 5 times, real fast) you can just trust that I know this as 100% fact. However, there’s a few things I simply can’t be convinced […]