Plasma Car: Review and Giveaway Great Outdoor Fun! Summer is in full swing! How are you getting the kiddos outside and away from the TV and video games? We have the coolest way to keep Ethan outside playing and having fun! The Plasma Car is really quite an awesome outdoor ride-on toy! As you can […]
Children With Seasonal Allergies Get Help From Claritin
Children With Seasonal Allergies Get Help From Claritin Poor Ethan not only has seasonal allergies, he suffers from moderate eczema as well. Every time the seasons change, he’s miserable. Sleeping through the night, forget about it. He has actully been 1/2 awake 1/2 asleep crying and smacking himself in the nose crying “I can’t breathe”. It’s […]
HOWARD B. WIGGLEBOTTOM Childrens Book Review Giveaway
HOWARD B. WIGGLEBOTTOM Listens To His Heart Children’s Book Review Giveaway One of the greatest things you can do with your kids is read. We read to Ethan every night. He grabs a pillow, he favorite stuffed animals and cuddles up on the couch to read. Every. Night. We have instilled our love of reading in him […]
PetCakes Review Giveaway One for The Kids!
PetCakes Review Giveaway You’ve all heard me say how much Ethan loves to do his own ‘special’ reviews. And, today he’s got another for you! PetCakes by Well Madeâ„¢ Toy Manufacturing. PetCakes are super cute stuffed animals that have a frosting hat and they nestle inside a cupcake wrapper. When you press them down into the wrapper, […]
Kidlandia Review and Giveaway
Kidlandia Review and Giveaway Kidlandia provides kids and families a way to imagine, create, and rule their own world in a safe and educational environment. Kidlandia combines lovable Kreechurs with a proprietary personalization platform that allow Kids to RULE wherever they like to play. This unique model fulfills a child’s powerful need to feel a measure […]
Crane SUPER CUTE Animal Humidifier Sweepstakes
Enter our Crane Animal Humidifier Sweepstakes! These SUPER cute Crane animal shaped humidifiers are pediatrician recommended to help relieve cough, cold, and flu symptoms, as well as provide relief for dry skin. We keep a humidifier in Ethan’s room to help with his dry skin and eczema issues along with the typical cough, cold stuff that […]
Wordless Wednesday – Dress Up As A Historical Figure
Wordless Wednesday – Dress Up As A Historical Figure Day At School So, in school today, Ethan has to dress up as a ‘Historical Figure’. He could have picked anyone. Abe Lincoln, George Washington even a super cool favorite superhero if they wanted! This is who he picked: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Look at that […]
Zoobies Blanket Pet { Review & Giveaway }
Zoobies Blanket Pet Review & Giveaway I can’t tell you the squeals we got when Ethan opened his ‘mail’. I GOT A ZOOBIE! I GOT A ZOOBIE! Over and over and over…. He was lucky enough to receive a Zoobie Blanket Pet for his own special review! Did I mention he squealed? He has been asking […]
Deadliest Catch – Sea Monkeys Style Day 5 – Grow Your Own
Deadliest Catch – Sea Monkeys Style Day 5 Ethan: “Grandma, Grandma, Grandma, GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!” Me: “Ethan, I’m in the bathroom….. WHAT?????!!!!!” Ethan: “They are A L I V E !!!!!” …………. That’s how I found out my beautiful 5 year old grandson is now…. a baby daddy. And let me tell you, I’ve never been so […]
Deadliest Catch – Sea Monkeys Style Day 2
DEADLIEST CATCH – SEA MONKEYS STYLE DAY 2 As you can see, the photo above is our sea monkeys. Well, our lack of sea monkeys as it’s turning out. Growing our own is more ‘watching the water do nothing’. I’m starting to move from “Do I have to touch them” to… “What the heck […]
Deadliest Catch – Sea Monkeys Style – Crafts For Kids
“Deadliest Catch – Sea Monkeys Style” Otherwise known as “How To Grow Your Own” Our 5 year old small person recently received a “Grow Your Own Sea Monkeys Kit”. Yeah, I know. I said the same thing… huh? He however, was very excited and had to do-it-right-now-please-please-please. Grandma Juice needed more info. Like, do they […]