This is where you can find the current weekly store’s sales and when possible, we’ve even provided you with links to active coupons to help make the sales prices even better! Simply click the link to your favorite store and off you go!
To help make planning you shopping lists easier, we suggest you follow these steps (easy, baby steps here at first for grocery stores and Walmart / Target as the drug stores are a game all in themselves, we’ll cover that further down)
- Grab some paper for list making and your weekly circular or use our current match-ups
- Put the stores name at the top of your page (use separate sheets for each store you’re shopping at)
- Make your list starting with the item name and brand, quantity you plan to purchase and sale cost per item. Directly under that, write if you have any coupons to match and their value ($1.00/1, B1G1, etc) Work your coupon magic math skills and on the side of that item, write the total cost you’ll pay for that item(s) after coupons have been applied. (this makes it easy to know your total when checking out and help keep you in your budget while planning as well)
- IT IS OK TO DO A FEW ‘DRAFTS’!!! Add this item, take that one off, change quantities, etc. I typically make 1 and then chicken scratch my way to a final second one I take to the store.
- After you’re satisfied with your final copy of this list, grab an envelope and write the stores name on the front.
- Gather your coupons for all items and any store loyalty cards, gift cards etc and place them along with your list in the envelope.
- Repeat this process for all stores and when your done, you’ll have a few envelops (I usually end up with 1 grocery store and 1 Target or Walmart envelope each week so I’m not store hopping all day) and you’re READY TO GO SHOPPING!!!! 🙂
Bring a pen,and the store specific envelope in with you (and of course your coupon binder just in case) cross off items as you put them in the cart and make any adjustments in your running total on the side if a specific item is out of stock or you decide to change quantities, etc.
Now head to the check out line…. (TIP: I find the young male cashiers are the most helpful and coupon friendly and usually pick their lane if at all possible. I am unsure why this is but I have yet to have any ‘coupon issues’ when a young guy checks me out – pun intended)
REMAIN CALM! Stay friendly! If you do hear that dreaded BEEP from a register, if your calm and friendly it will go much smoother trying to figure out the issue. Don’t be afraid to ask for a manager if the cashier won’t allow a coupon you are sure is valid to use and don’t be afraid to simply tell them you’re no longer interested in purchasing the item either. It’s YOUR money to spend or not to spend! (I have yet to have to do this but absolutely will if I need to)
Ignore the eye rolling and moans from the people behind you. Or, do as Grandpa Juice suggests… simply tell them you’ll be happy to skip using your 12346578 coupons if they’d like to give you that dollar amount from their bank account to make up the difference. You just stick to your list, your plan… be the coupon ninja… the force is with you!
And as you do you victory dance all the way back to your car, you take pride in the fact taht YOU just won the ‘Beat The Register” game!!
This was one of my first “Beat The Register” hauls… Missing from the photo are gift items I purchased as well and couldn’t let the 5 year old see so sadly, they didn’t get their 5 minutes of fame. The retail value was slightly over $187. I paid $60 out of my pocket AND received a $10 gift card earned from a promo item. #winning !!!
As you can see… realistic couponing is not like what you see on the TV show Extreme Couponing… When reality hits you in the face that you will rarely, if ever, fill 12 carts and pay $2.37 do NOT get discouraged and give up. That is TV show hype. Not even close to ‘reality TV”… To be honest, I had a hard time with this at first and could not figure out what I was doing wrong. The fact is you CAN save 50% or more and any savings is better than none at all…. Be realistic…. do your victory dance… YOU ARE A COUPON NINJA!