ChocoVine Review: Chocolate Wine It’s Totally A ‘Thing’….

ChocoVine Review: Chocolate Wine It’s Totally A ‘Thing’…. First, I need to ask… Why has no one sent me this to review? Hello! Chocolate Wine! With all the wine and alcohol people send me to review, I actually had to bust out my own wallet over at Sam’s Club last week and pick this up […]

Ultimate Coffee and Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe Baileys Drunk Cupcakes

Ultimate Coffee and Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe Baileys Drunk Cupcakes Coffee and chocolate? And cupcakes? And!! Alcohol? Yes!! All that deliciousness happened. And it happened in my very own kitchen. Because, why not? I got my head stuck in the awesomesauce recipes that popped up everywhere for ‘Drunken This’… ‘Alcohol That’ when the St. Patrick’s Day […]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Recipe {PB Crave Review}

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Recipe Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Recipe  Yes, it tastes as good as it looks. Yes, this Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Recipe is super simple to make. No, we had no left overs. My most favorite-est ever, ever, ever combo in the whole wide-est world is chocolate and peanut butter. Whether it’s […]

Cinco de Mayo My Baby Turns 25 Chocoflan Dessert Recipe

Cinco de Mayo My Baby Turns 25 Chocoflan Dessert Recipe As the Cinco de Mayo celebrations kick off, I am faced with the age mirror held up to my face. My baby turns 25! It doesn’t seem possible that I have a child that old. Reality bites. But, what’s a mom to do to celebrate […]

Cowgirl Chocolates Review Giveaway – Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Cowgirl Chocolates Review Giveaway Mothers Day Gift Guide 2012 We Are Kickin’ Off Our Mothers Day Gift Guide With A BANG! The first item we’re bringing you is from Cowgirl Chocolates They bring a whole new meaning to ‘Hot Chocolate’… Head Cowgirl Marilyn Lysohir founded Cowgirl Chocolates in 1997. Marilyn mingled some favorite memories with some new ideas […]