$10,000 Winner! Febreze Delivers – Home For The Holidays – To Dad Who came home for the holidays at your house? We had no room at the Inn over here! Full, packed house for sure! And, as noisy and messy as it was, it was also awesome! I love my nice quiet, clean house now that most […]
Holiday Karaoke Favorite Holiday Song Like SongPop, But Not….
December 7, 2012 by ·
Holiday Karaoke Favorite Holiday Song, Like SongPop, But Not…. My favorite holiday song? Do I even have one? Give me a sec to think on that… I do know that I am seriously addicted to SongPop. So, while kickin’ butt and takin’ names looking on Facebook for random strangers to take down, I stumbled into the Febreze […]