Who Doesn’t LOVE a Give-A-Way?? Yeah, I don’t know anyone either… Join Kobiso to win $100 to Amazon!! (she came up with the contest AND…. she came up with the secret word, which is your answer to the 1st entry) = ****MONSTER***** (hint, hint) We’ve teamed up with some excellent bloggers to bring you a […]
FREE!!! Better Homes & Gardens Scented Wax Cubes!
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE these! (Like, really, I LOVE!! these!!) Do this NOW and "Like" the BH&G Facebook page so you’re ready for this when it goes live! They will announce between 1 & 3 PM EST today. And believe me, THEY GO FAST! Quote from their Facebook announcement: We know everyone […]
Q & A With Grandma Juice & … anyone there?
So… I’ve been thinking. A LOT! Who am I typing to here? Who’s in the little screen there reading this? Anyone? My fantasy is that Tim McGraw is hiding his smexy self behind his screen stalking me for a change, ‘cuz stalking him is getting way harder since he’s in Australia and all… (I […]