Wordless Wednesday – Dress Up As A Historical Figure Day At School So, in school today, Ethan has to dress up as a ‘Historical Figure’. He could have picked anyone. Abe Lincoln, George Washington even a super cool favorite superhero if they wanted! This is who he picked: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Look at that […]
Wordless Wednesday – Dress Up As A Historical Figure
February 29, 2012 by Grandma Juice ·
Filed Under: Grandma's Life, Kid Stuff, Uncategorized Tagged With: Ethan, kids, Martin Luther King Jr, wordless Wednesday
Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ Day of Celebration ~ One For The Kiddos!
January 14, 2012 by Grandma Juice ·
” I have a dream… I have a dream that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers I have a dream today” ~~~ MLK Each year on the third Monday of January, our nation celebrates the birth, the life and the […]
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: bullying, children, family, holiday plans, Martin Luther King Jr, MLK, National Parks