Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Towel Combination Giveaway

Aurorae Synergy Deluxe Yoga Mat & Towel Combination Giveaway Can you believe in just a few short days the new year will be here? 2013! Doesn’t that seem… crazy pants! What happened to 2012? In order to kickoff 2013 with a BANG we’ve decided to send out 2012 in total style! Got big plans for […]

Happy Body, Happy Mind – Yoga Health and Fitness – Tips, Info & Equipment

(photo via Yoga Health Foundation) Happy Body, Happy Mind -Yoga Health and Fitness Tips, Info & Equipment Yoga Health History – People have practiced yoga for over 5000 years. As of this writing, close to 11 million Americans are practicing and enjoying yoga health benefits. The word “yoga” is a Sanskrit term that means to yoke or harness. Modern yoga […]